Challenge - Seven Deadly Sins

Aug 20, 2010 16:43

By special request, you are next up on the hit parade. :)

The idea is to have seven different stories by different authors (or artwork!), one for each of the traditional Seven Deadly Sins.  And, of course, the stories should fit the nature of this community, so elves, elves, elves!  So far, we've had:
Alistair Round One Round Two
Loghain Mac Tir

I won't keep anyone else by participating by taking a slot (I have enough stories on my plate at the moment, really), but if we get down to the end without enough volunteers, I'll be happy to pitch in.

Now - when would people like to set the due date?  I'm currently running "Alistair Seven Heavenly Virtues" as well, which will, in theory, clear up in the next two weeks, and Loghain virtues due on September 12th.  Would Sunday, September the 19th (about a month) work for people?  Less time, more time?

Wrath - twist_shimmy
Greed - bellaknoti Constant Craving
Sloth - sagacious_rage
Gluttony - ruizuzakuro
Lust - decantate
Envy - judes
Pride - amasaglajax

Oh, and hi. :)  I'm new here, hope you don't mind this kind of intro!

announcements, challenges, seven deadly sins

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