The Secrets We Keep- a short fanfic

Jul 02, 2010 10:07

     Since I've been playing my new city elf, I got the inspiration for writing this while listening to The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars. I prefer writing small, "snipits" of fanfics and thus here is just another of my little hatchlings. I've never posted in this specific community before so here it goes.

Title: The Secrets We Keep
Rating: PG-13 for blood and killing
Characters: (in order in which they appear) f!Tabris, Zevran, Shianni, Soris, Valora, Nelaros, Vaughn
Pairings: f!Tabris&Zevran/ f!Tabris&Nelaros
Summary: Feria Tabris is a changed woman after leaving the Alienage and all its corruption behind. But a late night at camp reminds her of her life long ago and of who she used to be.

Hot breaths glided over her smooth, pointed ears as she laid sleepily on her side. His body was warm up against her back and his muscular arms encased her as he slumbered peacefully. Feria traced the veins in his hand with her fingers, following the many trails back to a single one-like the branches of a tree, alive and beautiful. He was alive and beautiful. The first months of being a Grey Warden proved a test, not only of strength and will, but of restraint. She traveled solely with humans, six of them in fact, and it was a wonder that she kept her blades trained on the darkspawn. Anger, hatred, disgust towards humans still plagued her mind from her years back in the Alienage and her temper had become short since leaving. But when she and her companions survived an assassination attempt, she regained some of her old self. He was like her- an elf. Crude and perverted as he was, he was still an elf and she found his company comforting. Now, he slept behind her, spent from their hours of what he called, "the skills one can only learn from growing up in an Antivan whore-house." She too, would have fallen asleep if it were not for alcohol still circulating through her. As she moved her fingers over his skin, something on her hand shown in the low firelight and she gazed upon it, focusing on the delicate jewelery through her growing drowsiness. It was a ring, gold in color and quite simple in it design. Thin curves were carved into the band, resembling some sort of bond. She'd been so busy the last year- bound up in the Grey Wardens, Loghain's treachery, and anecting the treaties- that she could scarcely remember where she'd gotten the ring in the first place. Pushing aside all of the carnage in her mind, she brought herself back to the Alienage. It seemed so far away now, like a bad(or good?) dream.
     She sprang from her bed, nearly knocking Shianni over, and hurried to open the trunk sitting against the wall.

"A little eager, are we?" Shianni chuckled.

"Today's the day! I can't believe I over-slept!"

"Well you'd better keep this pace, cousin. Your betrothed- he's here early!"

"What?! No! There's still so much to do!" she cried as she stripped out of her clothes and dawned her mother's own wedding dress.

Life in Denerim's alienage had been harsh, to say the last, but she had always found a way to see the brighter side of her situation and she'd looked forward to her wedding day for many years now. It was exciting to her that she wouldn't meet her betrothed untiljsut before the ceremony. "It adds to mystery-to the fun." she'd always said and the entire alienage was alive with her same excitment that day.
Except for Soris, always the party pooper. Though he was slightly nauseated by his betrothed, Feria nearly melted into the soil when she met hers.

Nelaros had a welcoming smile and handsome features about his face, even his sharply pointed ears had their own charm. His light skin made his eyes seem an even brighter green, exciting his bride-to-be, as he usually did to young elven women. And he had beautifully crafted blonde hair, a surprising contrast to Feria's rich, black locks. He was a kind and gentle elven man, finding amusement and adoration in his bride-to-be's extreme enthusiasm for the day, while Soris couldn't help but pretend to gag behind the pair. His betrothed swiftly elbowed him in the ribs. Feria was beside herself with an air not unlike a giddy school girl and she couldn't help but giggle in Nelaros' prescence; he had such a pleasant and likeable attitude about him.

Feria, Soris, Valora, and Nelaros all stood atop the platform next to Valendrian's home as the elves of the alienage gathered for the wedding ceremony. Feria took hold of Nelaros' hand and squeezed, the smile on her face growing as she did so. Her soon-to-be-husband was beaming as well, but their smiles fell and shattered as Vaughn walked up onto the playform, obviously seeking a rematch.

"Grab a whore and have a good time, boys!" the Arl of Denerim's son called out, laughing wickedly. He looked around at the gathered elves whom all glared angrily at him. "Where's the bitch that bottled me?" he called out again.

"Here, Lord Vaughn." a greasy human responded, digging his short nails into Shianni's arm as he held her tightly. She fought his hold on her, jerking her arm sharply, as Vaugh approached her. Just as she broke away, the Arl's son grabbed her by the back of the head and yanked her onto the ground. She made no movements and fell unconscious. Vaughn's attention then turned to Feria, whimpering behind Nelaros.

"Don't worry," he cooed softly as he stroked her hair, " I won't let them take you." She looked up briefly into his worried eyes before Vaughn pulled him to the ground.

"No!" Ferian cried out. She looked around desperately for someone to help her, but the other elves backed away in fear. The disgusting human loomed over her, a shameless smile across his rugged face.

"You're coming with me." he whispered harshly. Feria recalled immediate pain as Vaughn threaded his hand into her decorated hair and twisted her head to face the floor. Her hands flew to the top of her head where Vaughn held her hair and she clawed irratically at his flesh to free herself. The man grunted in discontent and forced his hand downward, releasing Feria's hair. The wooden planks of the ceremonial platform connected with the dark haired elf's face in a loud 'smack' just as Shianni's had and everyone gasped. Blood trickled from her nose and she muttered a weak "ow" before losing consciousness.

Feria awoke surrounded by the other elven women from the ceremony. She lifted herself off of the cold stone floor, wiping the dry blood away from her nose. She whimpered quietly in Shianni's arms while the other women talked amoungst themselves. The door to the room opened suddenly and three gaurds stepped in. The others were taken until only Feria remained, backing into the far corner. She watched the gaurds fearfully when...Soris appeared in the doorway behind them. Feria's jaw dropped and he nodded to ehr before sliding a sword to her through the gaurd's legs.

The two elves tore through the castle in a blur, mutilating, decapitating, and killing any of Vaughn's gaurds that got in their way of rescuing Shianni. Feria's stomach churned at the carnage she and her cousin creates. Sure, her mother had trained her in the talents of the rogue, but the dark haired elf had never killed anyone before. This was becoming too much for her. Soris rushed through a heavy metal door with Feria right behind him just as the final gaurds cut down Nelaros.

Feria's heart sank.

"You...killed Nelaros!" she shrieked as tears began to hamper her vision.

"He squeeled like a pig when he died." one gaurd sneered.

"I'll kill you!" Feria cried out, lunging at the gaurds. Her tears clouded her vision but the rage behind her sword saw for her. Within minutes, the men were slaughtered and Feria sank to her knees by Nelaros' side. His eyes fluttered open weakly and he managed to place his hand in Feria's before the remainder of his life left him. The elven woman allowed her tears to flow freely as she drew her hand away from her deceased betrothed. He'd placed a delicate ring in her hand, gold with carvings in it representative of some sort of bond-a bond of marriage. A wedding ring. It was coated in the dead elf's warm blood, still Feria slipped it onto her finger.

What if I fell to the floor, couldn't take this anymore, what would you do?

Something in her...changed after that. She could find no light in her darker days, and she no longer shared in the excitment of simple things. She was bred for a normal life and that was what she had wanted but this-Nelaros' death- took that life away and, with it, a part of her.

Look in my eyes, you're killing me, killing me. All I wanted was you.

Her eyes still held their glorious blue hue, but they didn't shine like they had before. She became serious, mature, but only because it was forced upon her. She knew this and accepted it.

I tried to be someone else, but nothing seemed to change. I know now, this is who I really am inside. Finally found myself fighting for a chance. I know now, this is who I really am.
     This ring was to be her wedding ring. Though the blood of her deceased betrothed (was it even fitting to call him so anymore?) had washed away long ago, its metal still held her despair and heartache, for her body could not. Her hand shook as she brought her fingers to her forehead, rubbing her temples. The elf laying behind her stirred and woke from his sleep.

"Ugh," he groaned, lifting his head lazily, "what are you doing up?" Feria turned her head to look at Zevran, biting her lip. "Feria," he spoke softly, the syllables of her name gliding magificently off of his tongue, "what's wrong?" She laid her head back down against the bedroll and twisted the golden ring around her finger.

"Just- a dream." she lied. "Archdemon, darkspawn. The like." she added softly. The elven assassin slumped his head back down against the bed roll, nuzzling Feria's neck and kissing it soothingly.

"Do not worry," he said tenderly, "I won't let them take you."

Comments/ Criticism are welcome. :)

soris, fanfiction, alienage, shianni, tabris

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