Fanfic: Blood Poison 17

May 11, 2010 13:07

So... I've figured out the thing and I'm wondering if I should continue posting these things here?  I wonder with my frequent updates if I'm spamming everyone out of town.  Let me know!  Crossposting to zevran  too.

Summary: Immediately post-blight f!Surana and Zevran.
Rating: E
Note: Fluffy fluff fluff!  After this I'm having peeps for dinner you guys.  I give in!  I love the fluff!
Archive: Now at!

Neria sprawled sideways across the bed that night and slept the fitful sleep of one who has already been sleeping too much. The sound of rain woke her up, and so did the sound of wind, and so did the lack of sounds when the rain stopped again. Her eyes closed over the memory of an old god scouring everything inside of her away as it passed to a dark place that she was beginning to recognize as the inside of Morrigan's womb.

The sky was a little less black outside when she crawled her way out of her bed. She found her ironwood armor but trembled as she lifted it. Dressed instead in her old leathers, she left the palace before dawn came.

It was afternoon when Zevran found her in the alienage. She was in the middle of an argument with a guard about whether or not she should be allowed to carry her sword. The stupid man didn't believe that she was the Warden until she used that spell that she said put her halfway in the Fade. The elves around her flinched at this but he only saw how her eyes closed and how her shoulders fell with weariness. He came close to her and offered his arm as she dropped the spell away; she smiled at him as one would smile at the first sight of home after a long journey.

Halfway back to the palace they stopped to rest in a quiet corner. She propped her head on his shoulder as he leaned against the wall and he indulged himself in laying kisses in her hair and along her ear, his mouth covering the earring there twice.

"You are not so very angry with me then?" He asked teasingly. "Truly I am amazed that the person to the left of me was not covered in fire the moment you saw me." Jokes about the fire spell always roused her to laugh and thump at whoever made them, but this time she just lifted her head and looked warily at him.

The moment stretched without her replying and her brow furrowed a bit when she looked away. "Angry with you?" she eventually said, her voice forced to be casual.

"Yes," he said slowly. "I am glad that you are not. And allow me to say that it was a perfectly miserable night that I spent, feeling like a fool in the cold."

"You expected me to be angry that you did not sleep with me? But you have done this many times before. Is this… an insult?" Now she was starting to sound testy and still wasn't looking at him. All of a sudden everything she ever told him about her life in the Tower came flooding back to him, especially the bit where she had never actually slept beside a man before him, and he wished he could kick himself repeatedly.

"No, I…. no." Zevran ran his hand over the back of her neck, ruffling the small hairs there.

"Why would this even be an insult? What does it matter where we sleep at night?" Neria looked up at him, brow lowered. "You get entirely too hot in the summer. Were it not for the trees in the Brecilian forest last summer, I would have made you sleep on the other end of camp every night."

He started grinning down at her cross expression. "I am not sure to tell you the truth. I am no expert in these matters either as I have said to you, my lovely Warden. I believe some think that perhaps their lover will not return?"

"Why would I even think that?" she demanded next. "You adore me."

At this he could only laugh heartily, dropping his head to her shoulder to hide his red face as his body shook with mirth. "Ob.. obviously I am a very confused man and foolish to guess at your thoughts," he managed to get out through his laughter.

"You are a man of excellent taste and reason," she said, with a kiss to the point of his ear. "And I missed you," she added with an air of magnanimous forgiveness. His arms tightened around her and he lifted her off her feet briefly. After this they walked back to the palace and it was a fortunate thing that nobody looked sideways at her along the way, for in his current state of mind he would have likely killed them for doing so.

zevran, fanfiction, surana

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