Oct 13, 2004 12:20
Ok...this is about politics..ill give u a sec to decide if u want to read or not..
ok too late now. u scrolled down.. time to just suck it up and read.
Tonite is the final debate. I didnt see much of the first one and i didnt like the format for it.
Saw the second one, that was a little more interesting. Now before i go on lets get something straight, Im a Bush supporter. Dont want anyone to get confused why Im gonna rip Kerry a new one right now.
I added a memory thing to my account. Check it out. very informative about how the Bush tax cut works. Kerry is saying that the tax cut has benefited the rich the most. its like 2% of the population got most of the tax relief. I was like wow that not cool. But then I thought about it. Basically it does make sense. Of course the rich are going to get more money than everyone else. CUZ THEY PAY MORE TAXES!! I mean if we all get a tax cut we are all going to get a different amount back because we all earn different amounts of money. For example, if we all got a 2% tax cut and if I paid $100 for taxes i will get back $2. right? that makes sense. ill give u a minute to soak that in..ok now if i paid $10000 in taxes i would get $200 back. So..of course the rich are getting more back. But Kerry isnt tell you that they are also the ones who are paying the most taxes. If i was a rich person, making over $20000 a year i would be so pissed at Kerry. Isnt the American dream the notion of being able to make as much money as possible and not get into trouble for it? Now if Kerry gets his way he wants to punish those who make the most money! Now you are probably sittin there thinking so what? Im only in college, im a bookstore manager, or a teacher or a loser. Its not going to bother me then. Think about it, if these big companies are paying more taxes something will give. They can either go overseas and pay less for workers. OR they can fire people to make sure they keep up their profit margin the same. This means not being able to hire more people. Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that running a company is expensive so that $200000 isnt that much. Any small business can make that much in a year and it doesnt mean they are loaded. They have some many expenses. Thats why we keep seeing less and less family owned business around. More competition from big firms is squeezing them out and if a tax increased happened it might also damage small businesses even more.
So if you dont like Bush fine, but have a reason for it. Dont tell me vote Kerry cuz he isnt Bush. Cuz thats a dumb idea to go on. Kerry has so so many plans for America. We can do government controlled medical coverage, we can deploy more people to Iraq, we can train Iraqis better if we transported them here. All sounds good. fine..good ideas.. BUT where are we going to get this money from? He says he is only going to tax the rich but is that enough money? Yet at the same time he wants to balance the budget and then he says Bush is spending too much money. Lets be honest, how can Kerry do all these things he is offering and still balance a budget? Something will give and we all know in the end it will be us, the common folk. Not the rich, there is only so much Mr. Kerry will do against them. Lets also not forget he is a rich man too, do you really think he is going to make his family suffer by raising their taxes and making them pay more? No, I dont think so.. Do you??
Vote Bush! : )