Jan 02, 2006 16:58

Winter Break is pretty much over.

About the car, since everyone was on the edge of their seat for two weeks to find out what would happen:

It's actually getting repaired. The insurance company is giving us more money than it will cost to repair it. I'm really glad, since it's a solid car. Happily ever after. I hope to get it back soon.

I've finally applied to colleges. I did the Common Application and I'm still not done because I am required to put everything off until the last second.

Speaking of procrastination, we have an English quarter project due Wednesday, consisting of reading 2 books and writing 2 essays. I've started reading 1 book. Oops!

Guess what, y'alls? I got girlpants from American Eagle and I dyed my hair red and I got a stud belt. I look soooo scene. Pictures soon.

On a different note, I didn't make any New Years Resolutions last year, but I've decided to make some this year:

1. Learn Esperanto to some degree. (what's Esperanto, you ask? Google it, and learn it with me!!)
2. Get a job and buy some hot shit.
3. Cover Britney Spears' "Toxic" with Grimoire, power metal style.
4. Redesign my website.
5. Change my procrastination habits when I go to college this fall. (Shit, I go to college this fall.)

And finally, Greg tagged me to do this music songs thing. The rule is to post 7 songs you for some reason can't stop listening to currently, and then tag some other people to do the same on their journals.
1. Television - Prove It
2. M.I.A. - Galang
3. Sugarcubes - Gold
4. Madonna - Hung Up
5. N.E.R.D. - Lapdance
6. Opeth - Hours of Wealth
7. The Strokes - You Only Live Once

I guess I will tag Matt and Cait.
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