so, i wake up this...afternoon.... to a buzzing sound coming from my window.
now, the blinds are bclosed, so i cant see whats back there... but its ...well, a distinctive buzz. thats right. a wasp. not just a simple bee... oh no, but a wasp. some how it had gotten into my room and had gone to the windo to try to get out... and it just buzzed from place to place on the windo for the longest time... if it hadnt been a bug that is capable of casuing great pain, i might have found it funny.
but yea... this severely creeps me out. where the hell did it come from? its like in star wars... ONE tie fighter? ok, what the hell? thats not right. theres never just ONE. ....*looks at death star* ....oh.
so now i'm just wondering where the wasp colony is...its gotta be somewhere... inside? outside? i have no idea. i swear... i get stung, i better get a fuckload of compensation from the landlord... *grrrrr's*
oh, and in other news... i am weak. i have very little will power. damn the lego store at work!! i get a discount there, being a disney employee... (i get discounts lots of places in the area...) so, having money i didnt HAVE to spend on groceries (i still bought two weeks worth) i bought a lego version of a star wars droid... the Hailfire Droid. go there for a peak at it.
oh, and trust me... this wont be the last of my lego-on-a-whim purchases. given time... i'll have a little city.
...course... i need... ROOM for that.... hmmm... *looks to ceiling*
EDIT: did i mention i'm also sick? AGAIN! twice in about a months time... dammit. stupid cold.