Nov 24, 2007 14:16
I started this lj in order to discuss not only WHAT I am currently creating but also some of the INSPIRATIONS behind my creativity. I haven't succeeded as well as I'd hoped and will try to do better in the future.
HOWEVER, for a variety of reasons I am now going to make a series of entries about the history of slavery, historiography, trashy so-called newspapers and vuxenmobbning. These will be in Swedish so I want to apologize in advance to my English-only readers. We will (soon) return to our regularly scheduled creativity! Especially since we have a new digital camera that is top-quality and I plan on taking BUNCHES of pics of my work from 2007!
Would also like to say that the current Parkinson's meds are really helping Harri's dad!!! The shaking is almost unnoticeable and he seems more his actual age (early 60s) instead of like a 90 year old.