38 Days? *meep*

Mar 06, 2007 10:33

Egads.  The ticker to D-Day (April 13th) now only says 38 days.  Yikes.

Baby shower pics, including cute niecelet shots.  In the corner of the "baby games" pic, you can see one of the little plastic babies that were frozen in the ice cubes for the "Birth the Baby" game.  That one was the niecelet's, who spent the entire word scramble dancing her plastic baby on Bear's game sheet.  He swears it was an evil plot on my behalf to distract him so I'd win... too funny.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/barrybearls/sets/72157594572715723/

Bear managed to make headway on sorting baby stuff yesterday, although we have now run out of storage places for baby items.  Her stuff has taken over half of two different closets, a corner of the laundry room (playpen, bouncer, etc), and we still have two boxes to sort through that were hand-me-downs.  And that's with my sister not yet having brought the clothes, swing, bassinet, and other small items she's loaning us.  We've been invaded by baby, and she's not even here yet!

I missed my Aquamoms class last night to work an hour of OT.  Boss was like "it'll only be 15 minutes" but she doesn't have a strong concept of how long it takes to do things, and even a 15 minute delay means I can't get to Baptist in time for my class (which starts at 5:30) because traffic is too heavy between downtown and WLR.  I hate missing class because it really does help my joints *and* the baby tends to shift from her position crammed under my ribs for a few hours afterwards, letting me get some breathing room.  Not to mention the fact that I pay for the class, need the exercise, and walking's not much fun right now with the way I'm waddling.  Makes me wish it was summer and I had easy access to a pool all the time to swim when I don't have class.

Had a restless night... slept in 30 min to 1 hour intervals, with no real reason for waking up.  Guess I'm getting prepared for baby being up all night... although it's the exact type of insomnia I had before pregnancy.  *sighs*

I still don't have a temp lined up to cover my maternity leave.  This is starting to really worry me, but since I'm not the one who gets to pick the temp, it's not my fault if I end up going into labor early and they are stuck with no one here.  I have been fussing for a month now that we have to get it resolved asap.  The really sad part is that everyone in the office has to be out of town less than 2 weeks after I have the baby, so it's really a big issue to have someone here.  I'm not going to be gone that long, barring complications - just a month total, but still.

I need to figure out how to do voice posts so we can update LJ from the hospital...

sleep, jobstuff, bebeh

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