I like having plants around my desk at work. Currently I have the "wind tunnel" cube at work. Nicely warm (but breezy) during the winter and non-A/C months. It's a freezer the second they turn the A/C on. Aside from my own personal whining, I've noticed my poor plants are dying out since they started running 70 degree temperatures in here, so I'm looking to take them home (or at least rotate them to the desk and see if they perk up if I can block drafts with desk items) and find something extremely hardy to replace them with.
So here's the situation: Drafty cube. Lighting's poor because at least one of the flourescents above my cube isn't functioning normally. Temperature is generally in the 70ish range.
Plant history:
- Alive - Schefflera has survived since November, but is not growing much. Currently in poor shape due to A/C levels.
- Alive - English ivy has been here since February, also not growing much. Starting to have leaf wilt from the A/C.
- Dead - Dieffenbachia. Bought in November with the Schefflera, it kept having burnt leaves during the winter (due to heating drafts) and I think I overwatered it a bit.
- Dead - Norfolk Island Pine. Christmas present that did wonderfully until they turned on the A/C, when it promptly died.
Other plants in the office in general haven't fared well. A Schefflera died, there's a peace lily clinging to life near the front entrance, one lady has a sickly ivy in her office (was fine pre-A/C), and there's a dragon tree of some sort doing rather well in one of the offices.
I'm thinking of getting one or two of the following that are supposed to be good in low-light areas, but I'm not sure how well they'll tolerate the temperature... advice?
Chinese evergreen
Snake plant (aka mother-in-law's tongue)
Aspidistra (iron plant)
some sort of dracaena