The More Expensive Car, the Bigger the Jerk Driving?

Jun 14, 2005 09:23

As I headed to work this morning, an ambulance approached. The car ahead of me pulled over as much as possible (no shoulder in this area) and stopped, and so did I. This still meant that we blocked a lot of our lane, but since the ambulance was coming toward us, we weren't blocking *it*.

Apparently following the LAW didn't sit well with the asshole in the Dodge Viper behind me. He stopped, alright, but without moving to the side and proceeded to blare his horn. I refrained from giving him the finger, but the guy in the Taurus ahead of me felt no such restraint. ;-) Taurus guy procedes *very* slowly back on his way, creeping along, and I just laughed.

Taurus guy turns into the gas station, making his turn as slow as possible, and I followed. Viper jerk squalled tires to show his temper and ZOOMED off, and I pulled up to the pump. Taurus guy was on the other side of the pump and started laughing and tapped the pump and said "Look." I did.

A sheriff's deputy had been exiting the store as we pulled in. He'd hit his blue lights before he even left the gas station, and we heard the siren as he headed after Viper jerk. (And yes, I know he got Viper jerk, because I saw them on my way to the freeway.)

There is justice in the world today. ;-)

In less karmic news, I hate putting gas in the truck. Granted, gas here's not as bad as other parts of the country (I paid $2.02 a gallon today), but damn... the tank's huge! Taurus guy filled up completely, went inside and came back out while I was still pumping!

The whole Viper thing reminded me of J2's statement once. He *loves* cars, especially Mustangs and Vipers. But after he found out how much a Viper costs, he declared that if he had that much money to spare, he'd buy a really nice Mustang and donate the rest to charity. Aww. Too bad most adults are all too willing to spend the big bucks on something as non-essential as an expensive car, rather than doing something substantial with their extra funds.
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