Friday was one heck of a fog day, post-migraine. I don't remember much of anything about time at work, other than I was obviously coherent despite my Aleve fog. Considering I was placing orders for the schools, we darn well better hope so. :-) I forgot my fedex packages and was halfway home before I remembered. Back I came to fetch them.
F-i-l called Friday to ask if he could have the boys for the evening. He swung by after work and picked them up, so they were gone by the time I got home. We went out for supper, then back home where hubby played with a driving game and I tried to finish reading The Years of Rice and Salt (and ended up putting it aside at the last section to start reading Hotel Transylvania instead).
Which reminds me: The books obviously arrived safely and timely,
writernici, and thank you very much for thinking of me and loaning them! *hugs*
Saturday we puttered around the house, in between a trip into LR and taking books back to the library. I called f-i-l to see when the kids would be home, and they were at Mid-America Science Museum. So we made arrangements that they'd stay another night. Hubby and I were going to get up early Sunday to go hiking before the heat and humidity of the day, but our nightowl tendancies led to both of us oversleeping too long to still go hiking. So we stayed home and played games instead. It was a good weekend.
Somewhere in the weekend plans, we managed to miss the NASCAR race, and I'm informed that I would have enjoyed seeing my least favorite driver get his car all smashed up. Darn.
The boys were pleasantly surprised on Sunday to find out we'd remembered that J2 wanted the second Xanth book and that we'd opted for a "Miss Emma" recommendation for J1 (one of the Tripods books by John Christopher). J1 also has The Giver, which I finished, and I think his dad has a classic or two he's pre-reading for kidlet.
Between my two remaining library books, three books, and the two Nici sent me, I'm set for a while on reading (I hope). Plus I'm supposed to be getting Dracula via a bookring, someone at doing a RABCK emailed me saying they had copies of a Nancy Collins vampire book and Greg Bear's Forge of God, and another friend is sending me even more books!!! I'm in bookworm heaven. My only "fuss" is that I don't have any return books for the friends who are sending books specifically recommended by them. We tend to read in the same general circles, and sometimes I feel like I'm playing catchup.