Jun 27, 2011 15:20

Dear Numbers, this is how to LJ RP as provided by me.

❥ FIRST make an account! How? You go here.
→ Generally speaking, LJRPers make character accounts. The usernames of the accounts usually pertain to the characters they are representing in some way!
→ For example: armalites for Lockon Stratos of Gundam 00 because he is a sniper. And an armalite is a type of rifle. For more examples, there is a list of my own journals and characters if you want to see more examples.

❥ After making the account and getting all the name bullshit filled out, you can customize the journal and the profile how ever you wish. You can fuck with the journal layout to make it look all pretty as fuck if you want.

tips and tricks for journal layouts
→ You want something that is clean with a clear area for text that is easy to read. A soft background helps keep everything neat and organized and easy to navigate.
fruitstyle, velvetb0x and mintyapple are good places to look around for layouts. Layout makers almost always provide installation instructions but if you need help, ask me :D

❥ The best part about having a character journal is usually the icons or "userpics" as described by livejournal. You can add them by going to Manage Userpics under the Profile drop down list.
→ Icons can usually be found at communities around livejournal and are made of art that is either official or fanart.
→ Most accounts are Plus accounts and give you 15 spaces to work with. For roleplaying, many RPers use the icons as a way to convey emotion that the text they write sometimes can't get across and occasionally just to be retarded. There's no right or wrong way to do it.
→ If one desires to have MORE icons, they can upgrade their accounts to Paid accounts that can cost anywhere between five to forty dollars depending on how many icons they want.

We got the basics? Cool. Now let's talk games.

❥ Most roleplayers on Livejournal belong to games. They are very similar to forum games and are usually managed by two to even five people depending on the size who have come up with a plot and the like for the prospective players to follow.
→ Most LJ games are Jamjar type games. Meaning that they allow many characters from all types of media to play in the setting. Anime, live action, video games, comics, webcomics, and other sorts of media come together to let the characters interact and create all kinds of relationships and play in wacky situations that they would otherwise not see in their own canons! These are the most popular games, though single-fandom games do exist.
→ Most games have a plot or theme that drives everything in the world the characters are put into. Series like Pokemon and Soul Eater have inspired game plots but are not the only fandoms allowed in those games. Other games have original plots.
→ Almost all games demonstrate some sort of protocol when it comes to rules and regulations. FAQs are provided with normally easy contact to the moderators of the game if questions arise.
→ A few examples of Jamjar Games in LJ are: capeandcowl, soul_campaign, amatomnes, and route_29 are popular to name a few. You may visit their pages and look at their plots and everything to get the idea of what I'm talking about!

❥ Almost every game follows an application system, which should be familiar to most forum RPers. Applications are used to give the moderators an idea of the candidate's strength with the character they have chosen to bring into the game. Most games make their own applications with extras that will apply to game setting and appropriateness, but here is a standard application set-up:
→ Name: Your name. Handle.
→ Age
→ Contact: A messenger or email that the moderators can reach you at.
→ The character you are applying with.
→ The canon the character is from.
→ Personality: Generally the basis of the application. How your character acts and feels in their canon. It is best to use examples from the canon to punctuate your reasoning for how you interpret them.
→ Pull-Point: This is important. Many games require that you take your character from a certain point in their canon. This is YOUR choice. You can take them from the middle of a story arc or even after their death. It is best to choose a point where it is proven that the character is developed and able to stand on their own legs when you play them.
→ 1st Person Sample: Usually a journal post that is short and addresses the other characters in the game for them to reply to.
→ 3rd Person Sample: A prose sample that shows your ability to write as well as the character's internal thoughts and feelings. Some games provide prompts, but they are really open-forum.
Here is an example application for an AU game reimsacademy.

❥ After submitting an application according to the game guidelines, the application will either be Accepted, Declined, or asked for Revisions that must be completed before a certain time for review.

❥ In addition to Jamjar games, there are some games that do not require applications or anything technical. They are Open games or Dressing Rooms where people can practice their new muses without the pressure of being rejected through an application process and they can interact with other characters from different or same canons.
→ Popular Dressing Room-style games are: the_love_hotel, 8_dressing, and dear_mun.

❥ Alternatively, some people prefer to play privately with close friends or play out scenarios that wouldn't work in mainstream games. These people play in Museboxes. Museboxes often host open memes for people to join in and play in or just private dicking around. arkcradle where you are reading this is a musebox-style game!

0k now that we've discussed games, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU RP!?!?!?

❥ Generally, mainstream games, museboxes, and dressing rooms alike have a Post>Comment>Comment Thread format. Basically, one person makes a post addressing the group of characters or starting a scenario and others comment accordingly. Usually in 1st person or prose format depending on what the post dictates.
→ For example, this post at route_29 was addressing the network for the game. Hiruma replied to Suzuki's post in 1st person format. Tada.
→ While this one was action-spam with Squall. Action-spam is a lazier form of prose.
→ And prose posts are obvious and shouldn't need an example.

Ta fucking da.

!ooc, *dera

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