❥ application for reims academy

Apr 14, 2011 20:52

( fandom student application )

AGE: 19
CONTACT: winter palaces (aim)
PERSONAL LJ: tealite
CHARACTERS PLAYED not applicable.

NAME: Bruno (The English video games have his surname listed as "Borelli", so I may adopt that in-game)
CANON: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
CANON REFERENCE: His YGO Wiki entry. Which its vuh-haaaary DUB-heavy when it comes to terminology and names, but is complete when it comes to information.
AGE: 17 (never explicitly stated in canon, but for the sake of the game.)
GENDER Male/Male
YEAR IN SCHOOL HS-3 (Grade 11, I believe)
ENROLLMENT Scholarship. Most likely of the Engineering persuasion if they offer such a thing.

Bruno is a fairly slim, broad-shouldered young man who stands comfortably at something a little over six feet tall-- which is higher on the height scale than one would think for someone with primarily German blood. Despite the unusual height though, the rest of his body fills it out nicely with wide shoulders, long legs and strong arms. He wears his hair longer, but not long enough to touch his shoulders. He doesn't go out of his way to make it look nice, just letting it flop and frame his face more than anything else. His facial structure is organized, defined even with strong lines shaping his chin and sharper ones making his eyes stand out a bit. really, the only change from canon is that he won't be an android and his eyes will reflect light and not be all dead and robot'y

As far as fashion, Bruno isn't overly concerned about dressing in a flattering or interesting manner. He follows school dress-code without any question, but as far as leisure... If anything, he dresses mostly for comfort, preferring the "jeans and a t-shirt" ensemble that allows for him to work comfortably and for as long as he wants without worrying about ruining expensive clothing beyond future use. It's also worth noting that in any outfit he happens to be wearing, Bruno will stash a variety of tools away for use at a moment's notice. He even goes as far as to rig his jackets to make them portable (and handy) wearable toolboxes.
Bruno is one of those friendly types who enjoys helping others, especially if they don't want it.

The meat and potatoes of his personality is just that. Bruno is a good-natured fellow with near-to-boundless amounts of faith in other people, regardless of how they view or treat him. He can be kind of dim on some occasions and has a soft spot for cuddly, fuzzy kittens. An all-around good guy with an endless supply of optimism. When it comes down to people who really do not like him, Bruno still tries to find some good in the situation, viewing them in a positive light even when a fist is being crammed down his throat or he is being punched across a parking garage. All the while, he will stay as sweet and grateful as he would to any other person... And he isn't one to have a brazen streak in the least and will openly boast that he's a pacifist who avoids violence at all costs. But he will still mess with a stranger's expensive motorcycle and eat their noodles without any permission. While one might chalk this up to a faulty wire in the area of self-preservation, it was shown that he had a genuine faith in the people he cared about. It was when he regained his memories that we saw this in action. Even after his supposed Heel Face Turn as Antinomy and leading up to his canonical death, Bruno revealed that he just wanted to see Yusei succeed and ultimately improve the future that himself, Z-ONE, Aporia, and Paradox were unable to save.

Bruno serves the role of The Smart Guy on Team 5D's. His area of expertise happens to be the realm of auto mechanics. Granted, in his canon, special motorcycles and occasionally stupid-looking cars are used to play the newest fad in card games at high speeds, but Bruno knows the make-up of these machines like the back of his hand. In his first appearance, we find him getting the ever-loving crap beaten out of him by Jack for tinkering with his D-Wheel in a parking garage. And... in the following fit of rage, Jack is yammering about how Wheel of Fortune runs better now for some unknown horrible reason, which Bruno quickly explains was his doing. And not much later, he is helping Yusei complete an engine program that originally had its own creator stumped. The two of them marathoned it for four days straight (complete with snarky commentary from Crow, Jack, and the others), only stopping to sleep after they had completed it. He has stated that dueling and his knowledge of mechanics are the only things he can truly remember.

To elaborate, canon Bruno suffers from a case of amnesia that was brought on by his Dark Glass persona careening off the side of a cliff into the ocean to avoid hitting a cat. In the eventual grand scheme of things, the memory loss was used to gain Yusei's trust. That same cat allowed for him to regain his memories and teach Yusei the Accel Synchro technique he would need to revive Ark Cradle. In game, this will be classified as a case of Retrograde Amnesia brought about by traumatic brain injury in the same vein as we see in canon. Just minus the underlying plan. It will be something legitimate and elaborated upon further in the history section.

ANYWAY, before any of that, the subject of his forgotten memories was... something rather sensitive to Bruno. He didn't like talking about it and even seemed to be kind of pained by the fact that he couldn't even remember his own name. The only things he could clearly recall were his abilities as a duelist and what he could do with D-Wheels. While that didn't make him useless in the slightest, he did want to figure out some of what he was previously. He would eventually get his wish, but it would end in being engulfed by an artificial sun.
Above average. While Canon!Bruno may have had the abilities to whip out an advanced engine program in less than a week and hack a world-wide government tracking system, it was something drawn from the fact that he was an artificial being. In game, Bruno's skills will be higher than the average young person his age, but not to that of his canon level. Reason one being that machines in his canon were all pretty much based around computer programs.

And reason two being that in-game, he was raised in a family that was about middle class and while he obviously had access to computers, they were not nearly of the caliber that, say, one from 200 years in the future would be. Everything he knows for this universe will have been learned in school or self-taught in his spare time.

To better fit with this, in-game (and outside of knowing the basics of computers and software) he will have the ability to make low to mid-level programs, crack very basic encryptions, and know his way around making a bigger website or two. Efficient, but not at an impossible skill level for someone his age.

He is helpful to a freaking fault. Bruno has issues leaving things that aren't his alone. While he might be helping by improving the fuel-efficiency of, say, someone's car, he is still violating personal space... as well as a few other legal things. And he sees nothing wrong with this. This has gotten him beaten up on more than one occasion in canon.

As mentioned before, he does have a case of amnesia that he struggles with. He can only remember the things he was passionate about before his accident, being unable to recall his own name or parents. He will occasionally have lapses in what he is thinking about, preferring to invest himself in his work and not pay attention to personal needs like sleep, showers, etc.

I'll preface this with the fact that his canon history alone is a virtual clusterfuck, consisting of multiple identities (his actual name being Johnny, followed by Antinomy, Dark Glass, and eventually Bruno), time-traveling, memory loss, the apocalypse, and kittens as you have seen. So stringing together a history with certain canon elements still involved was pretty interesting. BUT I THINK THIS WILL WORK OUT:

Bruno was born with the name Jonathan Neumann to a middle class German family. An only child, he was the subject of parental doting and spoiling when they had the money to blow. He proved to be smarter than the average boy, excelling in school at a level that was almost hard for the institutions to keep up with. He had taken to reading, math, and complex sciences like a duck to water and had issues with feeling challenged when it came to the average schoolwork for someone his age. When he wasn't studying, he enjoyed repairing and riding bicycles in his spare time. His father, who has a penchant for motorcycles himself, eventually pulled his curiosity his way and taught him about the machines that he would soon become somewhat obsessed with. Young Johnathan invested more and more of his time into his father's hobby, eventually building his own as a project to challenge himself.

He continued to expand his knowledge of motorcycles and eventually decided that he wanted to create one that would revolutionize the way people viewed transportation. It was this curiosity and passion that eventually led to his downfall. While testing one of his prototypes as a young teenager, he was in a terrible accident. To avoid hitting a kitten crossing the road, he swerved, lost control and crashed right through a guard rail, sending both him and everything he had with him to what was assumed to be his death in a supposedly shallow body of water. His bike was found, but there was no body to speak of. It was assumed that he had been washed away and would turn up eventually. His parents were devastated by this fact and knew that the logical probability of their son being found alive was extremely low.

So they gave up. And were very hard to move otherwise.

It was some time later that a young man was found washed up on a beach in another town. While news had spread of the Neumann boy's disappearance, this young man who had been stumbled upon by a passerby seemed to be completely ignorant to everything around him. He was asked his name. He didn't know. His address? Not a clue. People they could contact? Not a one. It was quickly determined that his episodic memory was shot. While his verbal and reflexive abilities were impaired temporarily, the young man regained full cognitive function after... remarkably little therapy. In fact, he managed to go back to functioning like a normal human in no time at all. The problem was that with no identification and absolutely no ability to recall his personal information, he was sort of stuck like this. Fifteen years old, with no one to account for him and no idea who he was.

After a little bit of time, he was taken in by one of the workers at the hospital who had the money to put him in a decent educational facility. She cared for him as if he was her own child and did her best to provide for him. He was given a new identity-- Bruno with his new "mother's" surname Borelli --and would answer to that for the rest of his life. It was pretty easy to see, though, that Bruno wasn't as average or impaired as everyone had expected him to be after his accident. While he could be a little forgetful, he wanted to learn, read, help others, make friends like he did before and most of all wanted to work on building and repairing motorcycles. He told the woman that he wanted to branch out from this place and maybe do something that would help the entire world and the people around him. He wanted to be a great engineer and she understood that the school he attended now would simply not cater to what he needed to develop and succeed.

They read of a place south of France that might be able to cater to Bruno's growing curiosities about the things around him and in a setting that would be different and just maybe comforting enough that he could explore what he was and what he is now.

[Clicking a note on the Intranet will cue up a video message by a young man sporting a smile and a giant stack of books right next to him.]

Hey, everyone! I just wanted to leave a message and remind everyone to look into the newest installment of the Tech Club this year. [Super manly, of course.] We're working on a few new projects this time around and I'm trying to maybe increase the efficiency of the school's social network... Which I still need to have cleared by the Board, so I'll get back to that one. Anyway, I would appreciate any and all help, even if it's just a little bit. And if you don't have time, we can work around schedules and I can do tutoring if you really want it--

[He catches himself running a little off-topic and blinks for a second.

A beat.]

If you need to contact me, my name is Bruno and you can leave me a reply here or call me at [phone number here] any time you'd like. Oh! And if you're still not able to find me, I can be found in the Automotive Lab at almost any point in the day. I would be more than happy to discuss questions, comments, or concerns with you.

[And the feed cuts.]

Idle hands are the Devil's playthings.

That's how Bruno remembered the adage, anyway. It could have gone any which way and he wouldn't have cared. He had taken the long way back to his dormitory, cutting through an off-to-the-side parking lot to avoid the crowds of students skittering about to enjoy what they classified as "freedom" until the next school day rolled in. He didn't mind. He saw it as a chance to get to work more than anything else. And he took pride in it-- even if that meant spending the entire night up and writing essays and detailing schematics.

Bruno smiled to himself, casting a glance off to the side as he kept walking--

Only to have his feet seemingly stop by themselves and pivot...

"What do we have here...?" His lips twitched a touch and he stepped over to a neatly parked motorcycle-- surprisingly of the "crotch rocket" persuasion --sitting in its space with not a person around. The poor thing had probably been sitting there for hours... It was a good thing that he had decided to take the long way home. Bruno set down his book bag, crouching next to the vehicle and giving it a once-over with an expert's eye. This thing was built for sport, obviously, a slick design with all the look and feel of a machine that craved speed. And the person who owned it took very good care of it from the looks of it. From the outside... and eventually the bare essentials of the inside as his hands just took to the tools he had stashed away in his jacket, pulling pieces up and starting to tinker and tighten anything that was out of place.

He wouldn't even get a "thank you". But he didn't want one. Just knowing that someone would benefit from his quick tune-up would be enough.

"Young man, what are you doing?" A voice from behind made Bruno's skin crawl with a sickening sensation that he was all too familiar with.

"Sir, I was just--"

"You were 'just'!?" The tall man demanded, "JUST WHAT?"


He wouldn't get the chance to say what he wanted and plead his case. But he would get to talk to Mother and explain to her why he was sitting in the Dean's office for yet another case of being too nice.

Yes, but I'm not sure that unleashing a rabid wombat is humane D:

!ooc, !application, *dera

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