(no subject)

Jan 13, 2007 17:13

finally figured out the spelling of where i am; we're staying (lthough leaving tomorrow, so this will most likely be my last post for a couple of days) at sernabatim beach, halfway between benaulim and colva, twenty minutes by rickshaw from the district centre of marago or madgaon (depending on some kind of whim of the mapmakers), province salcete, south goa (which is on the west coast of india, a tiny state a couple of hundred k's south of mumbai). so now you can all go and look it up on a map and go 'so that's where anna is!' and maybe feel soem sense of accomplishment, i don't know.
i am ridiculously sunburnt today, a consequence of lying for too long in the midday sun yesterday, and while i ache and my skin will prematurely age ad i'll get skin cancer, i am nicely brown where i am not pink and isn't that what matters?

this is the first place in india that i've ctually thought any of my friends would enjoy going to; it's a touch more expensive than othe places i've been (although nothing like mumbai) but the beach isn't dirty, there aren't beggars everywhere (which argues at least for some better standard of living) and it's clean and much fewer people are trying to hassle you or sell you something or run you over to stare at you (occasionally all at once). delhi i like, possibly out of caprice; it's grotty and smelly and poor and huge and brightly coloured and odd-smelling in a way that reminds me of ankh morpork (especially the smell) but it's got so much less pretence than mumbai. delhi is the kind of place i think remus could like, sam- you could be a westerner there and still be lost, and assimilate just enough to get by and it is, of course, very cheap to live (by australian standards).

anyway, it's kind of dinner time, and the calamari are calling me. much love and i'll update again in palolem, hopefully.


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