Sep 08, 2008 00:25
So, for the past week I've been trying to find the opportunity and the courage to actually do this and I almost got pissed at myself because I thought I had missed the opportunity for another day, a day in which I was determined to get this done. So what did I do? It's actually pretty simple.
I asked a woman out for coffee.
She's someone I work with, in different departments that sometimes have some overlap. I enjoy talking to her, I do think that she's pretty/attractive/any and all words like these, and I like her company for the short times they are, but I never feel like I'd ever get the opportunity to get to know her while at work. So while I'm on my dinner break and she's on her way out, I catch her at her car and ask if she'd be interested to meet me for a drink outside of work. She said yes but needs to get back to me about her schedule for the weekend as she may need to babysit for her aunt at some point, and she'll tell me what that is by way of a text message, which meant that we needed to trade phone numbers.
Honestly, this was easier to do than I expected. As soon as I was walking I didn't feel anywhere near as nervous as I was before I stood up to start walking. Yes, I could feel and hear my heart pounding. The asking was so much easier than the thinking about asking.
Now I've got to figure out what to do next.