May 15, 2007 07:24
My updates up until now have been sparse, I'm-still-alive-and-this-is-what-I-have-been-doing-for-the-last-two-weeks-type deals. Today, though, I am embarking on a business trip to Transylvania--I mean, Minnesota, and I will try to wield the power of Blackberry to squeeze in as many entries as I can, with as many details as I can, and see what comes of it.
I apologize if I start to try the boundaries of your patience.
I am traveling to attend the user conference for the transactional auditing software used by my department. Held in a country club/golf course in Baxter, MN, it is a venue for the software people to share their upgrades and features, for outside vendors to make their pitch, and for retail loss prevention people in general to share ideas. It's also a great excuse to get away for three days of wining and dining, although I am hardly excused from work.
The day started off auspiciously--too auspiciously, which is why I have two hours to spare to experiment on LJ. Even though the previous night I hastily packed, barely slept, and forgot to go to the ATM, I lucked out considerably by me drawing a car service driver who actually lived in my neighborhood (and thus was familiar with the tiny dead-end drive where I live), dropped me off at an ATM, stopped again later so I can get my itinerary out of the trunk and find out which terminal I'm actually going to, and was generally nice. So I got to the airport exactly two hours before my 8AM flight, which apparently was right before the influx of commuter flights.
I broke my fast facing east, not out of any religious obligation or spiritual motivation but because the window next to the Burger King happened to face that way. The sun was stil low to the horizon, creating a bright gleam over the top edges of the aircraft parked below me. When it moved behind a low-lying cloud, it created an even cooler effect, casting shadows all over the sky. It was as if Nature was saying, "Photoshop this".
Well, my flight boards in probably 10-15 minutes, so I'm going to turn off my wireless devices. Updates will happen when I disembark.