Indulgent bolete (and other) post

Feb 24, 2012 18:23

*gleeful* and we have more! Fungi popping up everywhere in the last two days. Posting mainly as a tracking mechanism as some of the little ones look rather promising.

First : Not A Bolete but a truly glorious shape, so I'm sharing anyway. Christened "The Outland Prop" until I've sorted out what it is. Household items included for scale - which for the record is 15 cm diameter cap; stalk 11cm long, 7cm diameter at widest point. Possibly Yellow Stainer? they're supposed to smell "phenolic" but I have no idea what that means. (Would "strongly shop-mushroomy" count?)

Enough around to uproot an aged one for closer study... still think these are S. granulatus, so these are theoretically edible, but I can't say I'm all that inclined...

There are a few random young ones that look worth watching - I'll put them in the next post.


boletes, fungi, garden, photography

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