...but exhumed my little brick path anyway. And formalised the dahlia/iris beds outside the spare room... spare meaning full of DIY crap and snowboards. Once upon a time that was going to be my our Library/Guest Room. Oh well. As and when anyone goes in there to use the circular saw, they'll see my lovely orchard out the window.
I wonder if either of us would notice if the Book Fairy threw out all the tools and put up some shelves... ;p
I'd forgotten that the bit next to it (where we park the mower and grow weeds) is essentially thick soggy clay a foot down. Going to pave it, although what bloody with is the question. Not *quite* enough random bricks lying about. It doesn't have to be pretty, just strong enough to bear weight (and maybe a table so's we can sit and look at the pretty apple trees).
Having a look at Vampire Diaries - let's hope Ms Dobrev is a tad more watchable in this than in DTNG. First glance: ugh, a High School setting... not promising.
New musical love:
VulgarGrad; got the King of Crooks CD on spec last week, and it's fantastic. Might make a copy for Dad; he loves anything Of The People, and Russian stuff per se, so this should definitely speak to his Inner Zorba.
Wish me luck; trying
this recipe 'cos hubby's on a fenugreek kick & I've been ordered to 'Speriment.