Jun 17, 2009 23:03
Remembered absolutely *nothing* about V except (a) the improbably cheekboned cameraman's gorgeous sidekick and (b) zomg reptiles.
Hubby and I watched most of part 1 tonight. I believe the technical term is ROFLMAO, plus or minus SBIG. *Just* makes it into Killer Tomato territory. (But the sidekick, I'm happy to report, is still utterly, wonderfully, gobsmackingly hot :)
As for the rest... The shoulderpads acting! The script! :) Pouty evul exposition and EVUL MOFO EATS FLUFFY AMINALS! saves the entire episode so far :) Best of all, the way they use the gerbils to underline the expo. Just in case we didn't get the point with all them big nasty words like.
I love the way most of the Big-Haired Women look permanently stoned. Especially Cameraman's Vacuous Ex (mind you if I had a son like her insanely irritating nong of a boy I'd be on Valium too...).
Now fighting urge to make icons of all the gorgeously fake "alien ship over famous landmark" news shots. Infinitely cuddlier than rotten Nu Who.