May 26, 2009 08:00
Experimental; big thumbs-up from hubby. Just so's I remember:
Dice onion, 2 cloves bashed garlic - moderate heat, little oil, sugar to caramelise, rock salt & masses of cayenne - fry till translucent/aromatic
Add chicken thighs, brown on all sides, covering with mixture
Remove and slice thinly (mushroom cut)
1-2 cups pho or stock, black olives, capers, chopped capsicum, 1 tin diced tomato, cup or so chopped pumpkin, mixed herbs/basil, soy if needed
Simmer 1/2 hour-45 min (could get away with 20 probably)
Going to count that as a New Recipe for meme purposes since himself wants it again :)
52 recipes,