I suck at memes. Keep forgetting to write down the new recipes. Oh well - here's one I can definitely recommend:
Apple Chutney (scroll down). Bloody gorgeous.
Anyone got a favourite recipe for sweet apples? We still have a glut of late-season fruit on the Bizarro Tree (thought was Granny Smith, turned out to be some kind of intensely sweet, glowingly rose-pink variety - not Pink Lady or Gala - only just finished ripening fully). We've crumbled and stewed and chutneyed and stuck it in casseroles... eating three a day raw between us, but there's still dozens to go.
Also made cumquat marmalade, like last year - ad hoc method, went wtf and threw a bit of ginger in to see what happened... but it seems to taste all right. Drowning in pectin, anyway, and if hubby does his usual trick it'll all be eaten before it has a chance to go off.
In the mood for Callan tonight - up to The Carrier. Lovely Lonely/Callan teamwork - that gorgeous, long, silent scene raiding Rose's house is pure win. Add sneery Meres, glimpses of Callan's incredibly banal private life - is there anything finer than a stone-cold killer unblocking a sink in his cardie? - Windsor Davies a la Special Branch, and a wonderful dose of Violent L/C. Mmmm. Can't go wrong with that.
Earache and earworm = bad combination.