(1) she's posting on Boycott Day! o Noes!
*kindly* Get knotted. A business is entitled to make business decisions, and I'm entitled to carry on being a grown-up. Next.
(2) Hubby's going to an Easter aikido camp. In order that he attend, I have to witness his signature to, and affirm that he understands, a statement that says - verbatim - "Martial Arts Are Dangerous". Jesus H Christ.
(3) Been talking about TV, kids' TV, the way audiences are treated nowadays with a few people recently.
This post over on behindthesofa may be of interest. Extract: "The outstanding thing about Hammond's writing was that you were thrown in at the deep end and never given much of an explanation as to what the hell was going on. The central characters were unexplained. Their motives were unclear, and while they could be quite nice sometimes, they were equally likely to sacrifice you horribly in order to keep things 'balanced'. When they did explain what they were doing, you almost wished that they hadn't."
(4) Friggin' Easter. See previous post about why my Fridays are spent pogging about with buses, coffee and the latest Economist. 'Stead of which I'm stuck in a small, Godfearing country town where nothing's open. SWIZ.
(5) On the other hand, might just get that blasted AP update finished. Am markedly less enthusiastic about the site these days - if only because practically every NuBill spot pushes us closer to a siteful of SlebsForSlebsSake than the talent showcase it was meant to be :(
ETA: link to BTS, Nurse Exposition and MoreFriggingJackWank notwithstanding, I am quite enjoying From Out of the Rain.