Jun 14, 2009 04:52
i've always said that this is my journal and i'll say whatever the fuck i want whenever the fuck i want. period. if you don't like it, don't fucking read it. it's that simple. yesterday was a different story. i had to apologize to jen b/c i hurt her feelings by something i wrote. you all know i never apologize for what i write, but it really hurt her feelings pretty bad so i apologized to her.
but that would've never surfaced had ceese not taken the time to look it up and point it out to her. so thank you ceese for being a self-indulgent, holier than thou art, childish piece of shit cow. you have stepped to a new low. only play schoolers try that shit. so do yourself a a favor and grow the fuck up. go and play w/all your little friends b/c you can't find ppl your own age to play w/and control. now i know why they call you psycho ciocho. b/c you are. you're a psychotic, worthless, homely, piece of shit and karma will come back to bite you and bite you hard. i hope athena rips your face off. now stick that in your pipe and fucking smoke it, bitch. i'm not apologizing for shit b/c i did nothing wrong. this thing that i supposedly said is bullshit and you fucking know it. now fuck off and leave me alone. you stole my dog, don't you have enough?
so did it make ya feel good? did you feel like you were gonna pull meena and jen away from me? i bet you did. i bet you got all kinds of excited. i bet you called them right away and told them they needed to see this. did you accomplish what you set out to do? doesn't look like it. well get all your little friends together so you can all read this together b/c this one's all about you baby, now go fuck yourself.