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Jan 22, 2015 14:03

Франсуа говорит: Мне коллега рассказывал, что тут в Японии есть специальные боги туалетов!
Марико, в удивлении: Ты ничего не путаешь? Не знаю я таких богов.
Франсуа: Точно говорю. Есть японские боги, которые живут в туалете и оберегают его. Даже монетку можно кидать и молиться.
Марико: Есть очень знаменитая песня: "Туалетная богиня". Про девочку, которая терпеть не могла уборку в туалете, и бабушка ей говорила: Если каждый день будешь начисто убираться в туалете, станешь такой же красивой, как и туалетная богиня. Может, коллега это имел в виду?

Что именно имел в виду коллега Франсуа, мы так и не узнали, но культурному обогащению это уже не могло помешать. Итак, песню про туалетную богиню в студию!

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For some reason, from third grade onward
I lived with my grandma
She lived right next door to my parents
But I lived with my grandma

I helped her every day
And we played gomoku
But I just didn’t like cleaning the toilet
And Grandma said this to me

There's a, there's a pretty goddess
Living in the toilet
So if you clean the toilet every day, you can become
A pretty lady, just like the goddess

From that day on, I cleaned the toilet
Until it shone
I wanted to be a pretty lady so much
So I cleaned it every day

When we went shopping
We ate Nanban duck soup together
I cried and yelled at Grandma
When she forgot to record Shinkigeki*

There's a, there's a pretty goddess
Living in the toilet
So if you clean the toilet every day, you can become
A pretty lady, just like the goddess

When I was a little older
I fought with Grandma
I didn’t get on well with my family anymore
And didn’t want to be at home anymore

On days off, I’d go out with my boyfriend
And not come home
The things between us started to disappear
No more gomoku, no more duck soup

Why do people hurt each other
And lose everything they held dear?
I left home alone
Leaving behind Grandma, who had always been my closest ally

Two years after I left for Tokyo
Grandma was taken to hospital
I went to visit Grandma
She’d become so thin and frail

I said "Grandma, I'm home!"
Purposely saying it in the same way I used to
Before we had the chance to talk much
I was shooed out of her room and told “Time to go home now”

The next morning, Grandma
Quietly passed away in her sleep
It really, really seemed like she'd been waiting
Just for me to come
Even though she raised me
Even though she asked for nothing in return
Even though I hadn't been a good grandchild
She waited for me

In the toilet, there's a, there's a pretty
Goddess who lives there
I wonder if those words grandma said to me
Have turned the present me into a pretty lady

There's a, there's a pretty goddess
Living in the toilet
So if you clean the toilet every day, you can become
A pretty lady, just like the goddess

Becoming a good wife
Was my dream
Today, once again, I scrub and scrub the toilet
Until it shines

Thank you
Thank you
So much
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