Feb 18, 2005 20:45
Stole this from Bryce's lj. i can't figure out how to make it one of those attachment thingies where you have to click on it to see the whole page, so I'll just post it out here in the open. O.O;
[Name] Ariana Leah Friedman
[Age] 16 (I turn 17 on April 17, which is coming up)
[Sex] with you? hell no.
[School] C-mont, w00t. Home of the awesomest music/drama programs around.
[Sign] Aries
[State] I wish they all could be California girls
[Exact Location] a chair at my desk in my room in my dad's house in Belmont in California in North America on the planet Earth in the solar system in this galaxy in the universe in... okay, I can't think any bigger than that
[Current Date] 2/18/05
[Current Time] 8:49pm
[Clothes] jeans and a t-shirt, what else?
[Weather] it's dark, how am I supposed to know? (it's been both sunny and rainy today)
[Hair Do] i don't do anything to it, it just grows realy long and gets in the way of everything
[Footwear] tennis shoes or boots. and SOCKS! i love socks...
[Mood] strange combination of sad, happy, frustrated, anxious, and optimistic
[Talking To] nobody at the moment, but I'm calling Katie when I'm done with this
[Sounds] listening to Once On This Island CD (and preparing for Friday rehearsal)
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y]
[Cups On Desk] like 3, but I use them to keep my stuff in. and my desk is STILL messy as hell.
[Pets] SAMANTHA! um, I mean the dog. and also 2 birds and fish who have been multiplying for almost 10 years.
[Siblings] little brother, aww
[Crushes] don't ask. just don't.
[Cousins] all of them younger than me, ALL of them boys
[Aunts] 2, they're cool (one's a rabbi with a gorgeous voice, oooh)
[Uncles] 3, they are also sheshul
[h][o][w] [m][a][n][y] [t][i][m][e][s] [p][e][r] [d][a][y] [d][o] [y][o][u]
[Change Clothes] used to be only 2, but now that we've started dressing in our costumes for the musical, it's gone up to 6
[Shower] every night (absolutely no time in mornings)
[Brush Your Teeth] at least 2
[Wash Your Face] at least 2? depends
[Brush Your Hair] 3, but that's because if I don't then it gets all tangled and it hurts and screwed up. it's out of intolerance for pain, not vanity, I swear.
[Eat] like 5 times, heh. I need to eat or I don't feel well.
[Say the Word "ok"] I've never really counted
[Yell at Your Siblings] zero (except on "special" occasions)
[Slam Doors] neva
[Nicest] most of my friends are nice
[Coldest] if you mean physically, then Jeremy (have you ever felt his hands? jeez!)
[Smartest] the idiots are much smarter than they seem
[Tallest] Will!
[Shortest] uhh... Becca? not sure
[Most Fashionable] probably Katie
[Smells Best] uh... haven't smelled any of them recently
[Weirdest Conversations] either Lyzzie or Will... or the Jeremy who's ass I own! oh man, I have strange convos with everyone.
[Deepest Conversations] Katie and Lyzzie (sometimes Will and Tylor, depending on if they're being serious or not)
[Stupidest Conversations] no conversation is stupid!
[Most Annoying] uh... not saying anything
[Best] I love 'em all
[Most Organized] Rachel
[Least Organized] the idiots (yes, as a unit)
[Always Late] idiots XP watch them try to get to school in the morning
[Always Early] can't think of anyone
[Always On Time] depends, I suppose
[h][a][b][i][t][s] [(do you)]
[Bite Your Nails] not anymore
[Procrastinate] eh, I'll answer that one later...
[Stress] unfortunately, more often than I should
[Take out Your Issues On Others] no, I take them out on myself
[Self Injure- (ex: cut, burn, pull hair)] erm... I stay away from fire?
[Flirt Too Much] maaaaybe *wink*
[Eat Too Much] no such thing as too much food!
[Have an Eating Disorder] never, I hate eating disorders
[Tend to Judge People] I try not to, but I think everybody judges without intending to sometimes
[Any Other Habits?] I bite things. and I can't keep my hands still either. and I know I do weird things in my sleep.
[f][o][r] [a] [m][i][l][l][i][o][n] [b][u][c][k][s] [(would you)]
[Name Your Kid Dammit] er... sure, we'll just think of a really creative nickname
[Strip For Your Classmates] which class?
[Shave Your head] hmm, probably (with the money, I could buy a hundred thousand wigs!)
[Wax Off Your Eyebrows] uh... go away
[Wax An Old man's Back] ew, but yes
[Sit In a Cage With 4 Hungry Wolves] yeah, then I'd end up eating the wolves. hey, I haven't eaten since lunch!
[Eat A Snake] definitely
[Swim With The Jelly Fish] wow I'd be scared, depends on the conditions
[Make Out With Your Teacher] ew, that's really nasty
[Strip At a School Pep Assembly] how much?
[Stand up In Class And Flip Your Teacher The Bird] HAHAHA yes (people have actually done that in class, but the teacher's back was turned)
[a][l][m][o][s][t] [o][v][e][r]
[Why Did You Take This Survey] cuz I'm bored and AIM keeps crashing my computer
[What's The Time Now] 9:12
[What Are You Doing After This] surfing the internet, weee. and listening to Once ON This Island while trying to get it down 100% for the next rehearsal. yes, I'm so prepared.
[How do you say good bye?] with HUGS!