Mleh again

Feb 17, 2005 20:23

Today was alright, a little disappointing but alright nonetheless. There were some things I wanted to do that I didn't get to do, some people I wanted to see that I didn't get to see, but on the bright side I did get to fall asleep in half my classes today. And I kept going into that dreamlike state where you don't know if you're asleep or awake. I actually thought that certain things were happening around me when they weren't, then I'd snap back into reality. Woah, trippy. (And kinda scary at the same time.)

I know I shouldn't take it personally when people are having a bad day and take it out on me, but it's not fun. And it's happened too many times today, more than I'd have liked. And even though I know they don't mean it and it's usually not really me they're mad at, it still kind of hurts when they snap at me like that.

I need to go lie down. No, I need to go study for my test, THEN go lie down. Maybe even sleep... And tomorrow is a minimum day, so w00t for the lack of essay in AP US. (By the way, never ask Harrison about the "Donkey Love," you don't wanna know.) We still have rehearsal tomorrow because of midwinter break, but that's okay because most people won't be around anyway. Oh how sad and lonely it will be...
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