Valentine's Day... ugh

Feb 14, 2005 20:21

Happy Singles' Awareness Day, everybody! Yeah, I walked into school and saw all these red and pink heart-shaped balloons and was like "What in bloody hell happened?" Disgusting, really. I was talking with Katie on the phone about how I was gonna be all depressed today (just like I am every year) and she said that I could be her valentine because she didn't have anybody. Aww, she's so sweet and I love her so much! I told her she could be mine too and my mood was lifted for a little while. I wasn't angsting or anything today, but I was kind of down until Meggo gave me a teddy bear and purple flowers. Another aww! She said she had to keep up the annual tradition, hehe. Well I know who I'm sleeping with tonight. (The bear, you perverts, jeez.) After school Will gave me the rose he had because I kept smelling it and I looked all sad-like. I wuv him. My friends are so wonderful.

We talked about sex a lot in English. Ms. Lewis (the sub while Langkusch is in France) reviewed the "Safe-Sex Lies" essay in class today. "Sexy sexy sexy sex sex sex." She actually said that, I swear. She was referring to the subject that all society and media is based on. Lots of sex talk, it was great. and of course, lots of Josh/Nate/Tomas innuendo. Tomas says I'm his best friend. Might have something to do with the fact that I let him copy my vocab. Also that I gave him food. Yeah, that must be it.

I didn't get to talk to one of the people I really wanted to talk to today, maybe I'll get a chance tomorrow. But I doubt it. There was somebody else I also really wanted to talk to, but I couldn't find her. Luckily, Lyzzie came home today, so I got to talk to her. We still have a lot of talking to do, but we'll do it tomorrow because she's not allowed to stay online after a certain time. Talking to her is basically my way of putting my own thoughts into words, almost as if I were talking to myself. She (and a couple of others I'm close to) have been my voice of reason for the past week or so. It's funny, because usually I'm the logical one, and I'm even the voice of reason for some people. But in this case, I've just been completely ignoring my head. Heart, body, and soul, but no mind. (And a certain sister of mine is very excited about being right for once.) I still don't know what's happening, but at least I have people I can talk to about it. I love my friends, have I said that yet?

Saturday night when I came home I found some weird marks on my back. And I had a splinter. I haven't had a splinter since I was like 7 and it really hurt, took me over a day to finally get it out. And those weird scratches on my back, I have no idea how they got there. Like bleeding under the skin kind of thing. I asked my mum, the medical expert, she said it was probably something caused by wood. She asked if i had laid on any wooden floors. (it's all carpeting in our house.) Umm, okay, I think I might know where and why the marks are there now... ^.^; Don't ask. I think she's suspicious, though.

Shit, it's 8 and I have yet to start my outlining. I need to stop thinking about how much Valentine's Day sucks and go work. But I'm too distracted, dammit. I've had so many people tell me that I'm going to make someone very happy some day. Others have told me that I'd find love. Some say you don't find love, it finds you when you're not looking for it. One of the people who knows me better than almost anyone told me that I could have anyone I wanted. But really, taking a look at my history, when has anything ever worked out the way I wanted? Every once in awhile, something will happen that makes me really happen, but then it always makes a swift and tragic exit. For once, I want something to work out. Every time I get too comfortable and content with my way of living, something has to come along and screw it up. Oh well, that's life for you. And like I said before, it sucks that it had to turn out the way it did, but better that than it having never happened at all, right?

You are all 'part of the human heart,' so peace out.
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