Yeah, so, that new series of Doctor Who?
- Donna rocks my socks. Using her H&S ID to sneak into Adipose Industries? Hahahaha, SNEAKY!
- Also, Catherine Tate is hot.
- Two people running around barely missing the other person is kind of old, but whatever. It's DW; if it weren't cliched, I'd be srsly worried about RTD's health.
- "You be health, I'll be safety." Awkward Doctor is awkward!
- I love how Ten is always running around with devices, and not just sonic devices. Boys and their toys are incredibly adorable, especially when they involve LEDs.
- Adipose babies? SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE. Cute like little crystals of meth, which obviously played a large role in script development. But still. CUUUUUUUUUUUUTE. (And someone has made little crochet ones. LULZ.)
- Donna is not a shrill bridezilla now, but she is still awesome.
- The Doctor is listening with a stethoscope? AHAHAHAHA.
- PANTOMIME!!!!!!!!! Love the Doctor's completely baffled expressions and Donna's rather bizarre motions. Also, Foster's "Am I interrupting you?" YES, BITCH.
- "Don't you ever change?" Oh, Donna, plox to be never changing. :D
- "The bees are disappearing! The internets say so and they never lie!" Lol IRL.
- Foster has a sonic pen? But she's not from the future, so how come more aliens don't have sonic devices?
- Okay, the Adipose babies? Cutest thing evar. But also kind of freaky, because you know it's the really cute ones that want to hug you and then melt your face off when you least suspect it.
- DONNA IS AWESOME. And when the Doctor's freaking, and she's just like, "Tell me what you need," and she produces a pendant? Because she is made of win. <3
- Blah blah blah boring end game stuff. Soooooo not interested. This was a boring story, even considering it's DW and I've pretty much turned off my brain at this point. If I watch it again, it'll just be fast-forwarding to the lol scenes.
- "She fancied me." "Mad Martha, that one." OOOOHHH PWNT!!!!
- Lol reporter girl! It's funny how they ttly ignore her, and she ends up fine (instead of dead; the death toll was incredibly low this episode). I find it interesting that Donna ignores her, too, though, since in RB Donna was the one who asked the Doctor to help everyone. The Doctor needs someone to stop him, so hopefully Donna will fulfill that role in later eps.
- Donna goes around with her bags? Lol. Also, remember how Rose's bag was a backpack? Donna has like, five. And a hat box. I love her!
- I like the interaction between Donna and the Doctor. Donna is a lot softer now, but she still will go on, and she still snaps at him, which is good and true to her character. The Doctor's learning to talk to people about serious emotional things, which is great, considering that Martha had to practically beat him over the head about it. Please don't screw up the character development, Rusty!
- "You're not mating with me, sunshine!"
- No hugs? Awwww. ): Plox to be having more hugs thank you.
- It took me a really long time to realize why Rose looked weird. It is because she a) has lighter eyebrows (OMG, BBC discovered facial hair bleach!) and b) is wearing hardly any eye makeup. So what happened, Pete's world ran out of cosmetics and Rose had to come back for some mascara? (I can be snarky, but you know I'm doing cartwheels in my brain right now. Vanishing Rose? Doomsday theme? WHY ARE YOU TORTURING MEEEEEE???)
- I pretty much have no thoughts on Rose. I still love Donna, after Martha's turn on Torchwood I srsly love her a lot more than I did in DW, and yep, Ten/Rose is still my OTP. I'm gonna keep watching whether she comes back or not, and if people want to throw tantrums and storm out of fandom because Rose is back? Yeah, I will just remind everyone that DW is being produced by the same brilliant team that brought us Torchwood, alien sex pollen, Pterodactyl vs. Cyberwoman, giant space whale, guy with fish-head, canonical Jack/Jack, "the Risen Mitten", moar guy with fish-head, etc., etc., etc. If you're taking DW seriously, you're doing it wrong.
Also, I am unspoiled for basically the whole series, except for companion casting in the finale. So please don't spoil me!