Found on
hanashika90 's journal as I was searching for something. This took me a lot longer to finish than I thought it would!
1. That you’re doing this, we can assume you like NEWS at least some. Would you consider them your favorite Johnny’s Entertainment group?
~ Hmm, they're pretty much tied with KAT-TUN
2. Can you name all 6 current members?
~Yes, I can. Yamashita Tomohisa, Nishikido Ryo, Koyama Keiichiro, Masuda Takahisa, Tegoshi Yuya, Kato Shigeaki
3. What about the 2 not currently around?
~Uchi and Kusano (sorry, don't remember their first names)
4. Ninth who left a long time ago?
~Nope, don't remember his name....
5. How did you learn about NEWS?
~Kame--> Nobuta wo Produce--> Yamapi--> NEWS :)
6. What was your first impression of NEWS?
~That they got along really well and had a nice, yet distinctive, harmony.
7. How did you come to like NEWS?
~By watching the concert DVDs. Seeing the documentary parts really made me love the group!
8. What do you think is NEWS strongest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
~Their member ai is really strong, even if they don't spend much time together. Plus, they have a unique singing style. Their voices mesh well together, but the members' individual singing voices can still be heard (as in, I can tell the difference from one singer to the other, which is something I can't do with KAT-TUN).
9. What do you think is NEWS weakest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
~The fact that they aren't together very often and don't do very many group activities. I love that each member can function/do individual or other activities, but at the same time, it detracts from the overall group output.
10. Are you listening to them right now?
~Partially...? I'm listening to Yamapi's Loveless album right now.
11. Do you enjoy NEWS’ music?
~Yes, or I wouldn't like them XD
12. What are your 5 favorite NEWS songs? (Released on CD or not)
~This is difficult! Lets see: 1. Taiyou no Namida 2. Sakura Girl 3. Koi no ABO (I've been listening to this one a lot lately) 4. Dancin' in the Secret 5. Snow Express or Happy Birthday
13. What’s your all time favorite solo song?
~Yamapi's One in a Million without a doubt. I could listen to that on repeat forever, and I fell in love with it the first time I heard it.
14. What music genre do you consider NEWS?
~Umm, J-pop? I wouldn't consider them J-rock at all, so what else could they possibly be?
15. What Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
~Nothing in particular, but maybe KAT-TUN's Love Yourself
16. What non-Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
~Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror or Billie Jean
17. Do you enjoy songs with all members or smaller groups better?
~All the members are better, I think. But I do enjoy Yamapi's solo songs and KoyaShige's duets (Sorry, TegoMass, even though I think you two probably have the best voices, I haven't really listened to your songs!)
18. Can you sing all the lyrics to one or more of their songs?
~Maybe only one or two, bit it's not from lack of trying to sing along. Songs like Weeeeek are just sung too fast for me to keep up with and understand what is being said ^^;
19. NEWS Nippon or Kibou~Yell~? (First single vs Debut single)
~Kibou~Yell~ It lifts my spirits more
20. Who’s your favorite member?
~Pi-chama, no contest (I think my journal makes it obvious, lol)
21. Who’s your least favorite member?
~Ryo. No particular reason why I don't like him as much as the rest of the members, but I know he is my least favorite.
22. Is there a member you could really do without?
~Ryo, again. I don't really care for his voice, and I think Koyama could replace his parts pretty easily. That said, though, I don't want anyone to leave NEWS!
23. Your favorite relationship between members (as friendship or more)?
~Koyama and Shige seem to really have a good time together
24. Who has the best fashion sense?
~Shige, Ryo, Tego, and Koyama have good fashion sense. Massu's just seems weird most of the time, and Pi's changes depending on the photoshoot (I hate when he's put in flowery, girly shirts).
25. Who normally has the best hairstyles?
~Koyama and Massu, no competition
26. Who’s singing voice is your favorite?
~Pi's, Tego's, and Massu's are all good (Massu sounds like he's smiling even while he's singing).
27. Speaking voice?
~Tego's, Pi's, and Koyama's
28. What’s your favorite NEWS group magazine shoot picture?
Don't they just look like they're having fun and teasing Shige?
29. Solo picture?
~Can I put up a couple (all of Pi, of course)?
I like his hair in this one, and how relaxed he looks
This one is silly and makes me laugh. I love the face he's making at the TV
He looks so young and Akira-like here that I can't help but love it ♥
30. Favorite shop photo?
~I've got two (one photo shoot one, and one con one)
I absolutely LOVE his hair in this pic! Plus all the cute faces he's making in this <3 (as an added bonus, Pi looks younger and like Akira ♥)
He looks so shiny and sexy here~!
31. Favorite CD cover?
I like Sakura Girl's cover as well, but I thought everyone looked so mature here, and I like that they're sitting on the letters
32. Favorite DVD?
~ Never Ending Wonderful Story
But I really love all of their DVD's, especially the documentary parts
33. If the members had become teachers, what do you think each would teach?
~ Yamapi: English teacher, no doubt
~ Ryo: Science, he just has the image of a person who'd look good in a lab coat
~ Koyama: History or Japanese teacher
~ Shige: Hmm, Shige's really philosophical when he speaks, so probably a Philosophy teacher
~ Massu: PE! There's no other place for him
~ Tegoshi: He looks like he'd be a good Math teacher to me- he'd make it fun and easy for the class
34. Who seems most likely to show a different side of themselves on Christmas Eve?
~ You mean with their girlfriend on Christmas Eve, right? Probably Pi-chama, I think he'd be more sentimental and lovey-dovey on Christmas Eve.
35. If NEWS rangers were created, what colors? Don’t associate them with Kanjani, just give them colors.
~ Yamapi - Red
~ Ryo - Blue
~ Koyama - Purple
~ Shige - Green
~ Massu - Yellow
~ Tegoshi - Pink
What other colors besides the one's they already have?
36. Please make NEWS into the ideal family.
~ Yamapi - the Father, because he can bring the group together very well
~ Ryo - the oldest child, a rebellious brother
~ Koyama - the Mother, because he's like a mother hen to everyone. Plus he seems to be the one that does household chores the most
~ Shige - the slightly crazy Uncle (brother of Koyamama)
~ Massu - the health-crazed younger daughter
~ Tegoshi - the spoiled youngest child, for obvious reasons
37. NEWS are hosts at a host club you’ve never been in before. Who would you pick after just walking in?
~Pi-chama, if his hair was styled the right way (I only like certain styles/cuts on him) but if his hair isn't how I like it (geez I sound pretty picky ^^; ), I'd pick Tego or Koyama
38. What kind of costume would you like to see them wear at a concert that they haven’t already done?
~I really like yukata on guys, so I'd say them wearing men's yukata or montsuki kimono/haori + hakama. But I don't know if that would be doable in a concert or not....
39. How would you like to be related to NEWS?
~ Yamapi: my boyfriend/husband
~ Ryo: my older brother or my brother-in-law (meaning he'd be Pi's brother)
~ Koyama: my best friend.
~ Shige: a study-buddy/ friend from school
~ Massu: a fun cousin
~ Tegoshi: my younger brother
40. Assign an animal to each member.
~ Yamapi - Either a fish (because he drinks like one) or an ox (because he's strong, hardworking, and stubborn)
~ Ryo - A chameleon, because he seems to adapt well
~Koyama - A cat. He even looks sort of like one to me
~ Shige - A dog, one that would be a smart breed.
~ Massu - A pig, what else?
~ Tegoshi - A rabbit, Tego's cute and athletic at the same time
41. Which NEWS member reminds you most of one of your own family members?
~As of right now, Massu reminds me of my brother, since he's been on a health-craze lately.
42. Who seems most likely to dress up on Halloween and/or do cosplay?
~Tegoshi, since he does it at concerts anyway (and seems to enjoy it XD )
43. Who do you think you could pass by on the street without noticing?
~All of the members, I think. While I do look at/ notice people as I'm walking, I never really think "this person looks like that famous one".
44. Who do you think has pulled the most all nighters?
~Yamapi, he frequently goes out drinking all night with friends.
45. Which member would you want as a boss and why?
~ Yamapi, because he brings the group together nicely. He also seems very hardworking and friendly, so he'd make you want to work hard as well. (An office romance would be nice as well~) Koyama and Shige would also make great bosses.
46. Who would it be most awkward to catch in the erotic section of a video rental store?
~ Massu, he just seems too innocent.
47. Do you watch the dramas containing NEWS members?
~Yes, but only Yamapi's dramas (Oh wait, I saw Yamanade, so that counts!)
48. Do you watch dramas that DON’T contain NEWS members?
~Yes, I've also watched Kame's dramas
49. Have you seen all the dramas they’ve starred in?
~No, I haven't even seen all of Yamapi's.
50. What was the first Yamapi drama you saw?
~Nobuta wo Produce, thanks to Kame
51. Do you wait for subtitles to watch a drama with NEWS members?
~Yes, I don't speak Japanese that well
52. Excluding Yamapi, which member of NEWS do you think has the best acting?
~Dunno, the only other NEWS member I've seen act was Tego, and that was only in one role (and I didn't pay his character much attention...)
53. Excluding Yamapi, who’s acting do you enjoy the most?
~Same as above.
54. Is there a story you’d like to see made into a drama with one or more NEWS member?
~Hmmm, not really.... Just all of them in the same drama would be good enough for me!
55. Is there a certain type of role you’d like to see one of them play?
~Pi-chama as a sexy Host or Spy would be very cool <3. I'd also like to see him play a villain/bad guy for an episode (a la Kame in Mr. Brain)
56. Do you watch Shounen Club?
~I've seen a few clips/episodes, but it is kind of hard to get translated, full episodes.
57. Is your main reason for watching Shounen Club NEWS as guests or Koyama as host?
~NEWS as a guest, but that's only because the episodes I've seen have been mostly NEWS ones.
58. Have you seen Yamapi and/or Tegoshi’s episodes on Shounen Club Premium?
~One full one with Pi from 2007 and his performances from 2011. None of Tego's episodes, though.
59. Have you seen any other Shounen Club Premium episodes?
60. Did you regularly watch Ya-ya-yah!’s TV show?
~I don't think I've seen any episodes of that show.
61. Have you watched many/most of the older episodes?
~Same as above.
62. Did you try watching Hi!Hey!Say! to see Koyama host?
~Same as #60
63. Do you regularly watch Japanese music shows (Such as Music Fandom Related)
~I've seen Utaban, Heyx3, and Music Station, but I don't watch them regularly.
64. Do you scan magazines?
~No, I don't even own one *cries*
65. Do you write fanfiction?
~JE fandom relate? No
66. Do you read fanfiction?
~Again, are we talking JE related? Yes, I've read a few PiKame and some Kurosagi fanfiction (which I absolutely love, btw, even if there aren't many fics out there). I also just read a time-traveling NEWS one (where they jump 3 years in the future) that was pretty good.
67. Do you draw fanart?
68. Do you enjoy fanart?
~ If it looks good.
69. Do you make image manipulations?
~No, but I do photoshop
70. Do you talk too much about NEWS?
~I talk about them moderately. Not too much that it would get annoying,
71. Do you download pretty much everything that comes out?
~Yes, if I can find it
72. Do you upload for others?
~Nope, I don't know how to
73. Do you make music/fan made videos?
~No, I don't really know how to make good music/fan videos
74. Do you watch fanmade music/fan videos?
~Depends on if the video looks well-made.
75. Do you watch fancams?
~I've seen a few of the Korean fancams of Pi's SGSB Asian Tour. After seeing them, I desperately hope a DVD is going to be released of the tour (>__<)
76. Do you do translations?
~No, I can't read Japanese very well.
77. Do you read translations?
~ Of course I do! I need as much information as I can get!
78. Do you follow their Jwebs?
~Yes, only Pi's when it's translated.
79. Do you follow the rest of JE, or at least some of it?
~Only KAT-TUN and NEWS
80. Do you follow other Japanese musical groups?
~No, I don't follow other groups like AKB48
81. Have you converted other people into NEWS fans?
~No, I don't talk about them enough to convert anyone
82. Do your friends/family not interested in the group know about them?
~ Yes, my brother and mother know about them (my brother more than my mom, because I just ramble about Pi or NEWS or a drama I've seen to him (but he seems to like Kame because I showed him funny scenes in One Pound Gospel)
83. Do you own any NEWS CDs?
~No, unfortunately I can't find any NEWS CDs where I live, and most of them on the internet are really expensive. I totally would if I could, though.
84. Do you own any DVDs?
~Pretty much the same answer as above
85. Do you own any magazines?
~Same as #83
86. Do you own any concert goods?
~No, but I desperately want a Yamapi uchiwa or some shop photos
87. Do you own any shop photos?
~ Nope, same as above.
88. Have any posters on your wall?
~Can you even buy posters?
89. Any other special/not-above-mentioned items?
~No (I feel so inadequate as a fan...)
90. If you could have any NEWS item given to you magically as a gift, what would it be?
~Naked Yamapi. Oh wait, you mean merchandise related? I'd like all the Concert DVDs, a Yamapi or NEWS uchiwa, Yamapi's newest album, and the whole boxset of Kurosagi (with the movie). But it would also be cool to get Yamapi's autograph~
91. So. Are Uchi and Kusano coming back?
~No, I don't think so. Why would they come back now?
92. Do you want them back, why or why not?
~ Not to NEWS. NEWS has been this NEWS for too long without them. It would be weird not only for the fans, but for the other members as well.
93. NEWS members having girlfriends- how do you feel?
~I'm...okay with it. They need companionship just like everyone else, so it's to be expected that they would want/have girlfriends.
94. If you could meet and chat with just one of the members once in your life, who?
~Isn't it obvious by now? Yamapi, of course! But I wouldn't mind chatting with the other members!
95. Can you write the kanji for all member names?
~ I can write Yamapi's whole name, but he's the only one ^^
96. What do you think of Ryo being in both Kanjani8 and NEWS?
~Even though I don't really like him, I feel bad that he's put under so much stress. It must be very difficult and straining to not only be in two groups (he's got to learn lyrics and choreography for both groups), but to do dramas as well. So I think he's really resilient and I respect his ability to handle it decently.
97. NEWS loses another member. Who is it, and why?
~ Ryo, because he's in Kanjani 8. If Johnny pushes K8 like he's doing this year, there's no way humanly possible Ryo can keep going in 2 groups. And, if given the choice, I think Ryo would pick K8 over NEWS because he has such a strong bond with all the K8 guys (and I heard he has a better/fun time with them as well). I know most fans would put Yamapi down as the one to leave because of his solo work (a la Jin), but Pi-chama's said that being solo is lonely for him and that he doesn't think his voice is good on it's own. So I doubt he'd want to stay a solo artist and leave NEWS if given the choice.
98. Do you use the word “tabai”?
~No XD
99. After this, one more question. You have to bring back one of the three lost members to NEWS- who is it?
~I wouldn't want to bring back anyone, but if I had to, Kusano. He was the last one to leave the group, so he should be brought back first. Also, he looked like he got along well with everybody.
100. Anything you want to say?
~Geez this meme took a long time- 3 days!