Foxglove Legacy 2.3

Oct 04, 2011 00:37

I'm trying to be more responsible and update more frequently. Huzzah! Also, yay for header-image spoiler?

Previously: Lirael was cute, then creepy, while grandpa Kingston (lostavenuea) was all-around awesome, all the time. Viola and Peaches moved out to become the playthings of Story Progression, and Royal and Florence (simsarenotfood) played a little too much. So much that they produced the twins that actually look like twins (leading to much befuddlement on my part), Ask and Tyr. Polly and Kingston continued to pull at my heartstrings with their love for each other, and Florence surprised me with another pregnancy at the end of the update.

We begin with the lovely Alaska, cousin to Lirael, Ask, and Tyr, and child of Tuesday and Carver (kittenmittons).

Alaska: This family's coolness is so awesome, I need sunglasses. Preferably Ray-Bans.

Royal: I know, right? My vision was impaired by my own much that I even have to wear my hip plastic-framed glasses when I tone my hot body.

Alaska: Oh my gosh, your dad is so weird. But have you seen that dude, Peaches? He stayed with us the other day after aunt Viola kicked him out of her house. He kept transforming into this giant doll thing and strutting around.

Lirael: Well, that's kind of funny, but I feel bad for him. He didn't really hang out with anyone but Viola when they were little, you know? Well, anyway, that clown makeup our teacher wore today was pretty weird, wasn't it?

Lirael's such a nice kid. ;___; I guess she's gotten it from hanging out with Kingston so much.

Speaking of Kingston, he and Royal were leaving work when they ran into my selfsim (who's a vampire, to my endless amusement) and Schuyler.

Royal: A fellow wearer of large glasses. I know this will be a beautiful friendship.

Sim!Me: Try not to laugh...that would be rude...or tell him how funny it was when he peed himself the other day...

Yeah, I find it a little awkward to write dialogue for myself in my sims' feels like simception.

Kingston: Your kid is pretty wonderful, Schuyler, but I'm here to tell you that Royal has the best kids of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Schuyler: Well, thanks for that insight. I think I'll go home now and talk to myself...and hopefully, forget this ever happened.

Royal: I know my muscles are defined and gleaming with sweat, but staring is a bit rude, Alison. I think it's time for us to leave, dad.

Sim!Me: Phew. That wasn't too bad, I guess. I mean, he hasn't figured out that I'm controlling his family yet, so that's good.

Back at Haus Foxglove, Lirael is learning about how the bonds of family can be tested. Through poop, of course.

Lirael: This is revolting. I thought Ask and Tyr were just cute twin brothers, but maybe they're something far more walking, talking poop machines.

Well, technically, Lirael, that'd make you a walking, talking poop machine, too.

Florence: Yep, I knew it. I really did. I've got another bun in the oven...time to cook spaghetti and ice cream and break out the pregnancy novels.

Florence: Nah, cuss to that. It's much more fun to snuggle my baby boy.

Lirael: Guess who's gonna conquer the galactic empire? Yeah, that's

I'm reminded of this meme:

Too much internet has eroded my brain, I think.

Kingston: Yeah, that's right! You're better than Mozart, sonny! And then if you play this note...

Kingston: Huh? What's this? Is this what happens when it's time to retire?

Kingston: I guess you could say I'm glowing with youth. Oh man, I crack myself up.

No, Kingston, don't die on me. ;__;

Kingston: Well, this is a bit awkward.

I feel bad for little Tyr (...or Ask). Even though he kept on playing and giggling happily, I feel like having his grandfather die in front of him would be traumatizing. TT_TT

Lirael: Grandaddy? Wh-what's happening?

Polly: Oh, gods, no! No! Kingston!

Kingston: Wow, I don't feel so old and creaky anymore.

Polly: Can't anyone do anything for him?! He's healthy! He's fine! Don't take him from me, please!

I hate to be a sap, but it was really hard to watch them weeping. :( He was the best friend of everyone in the family, and the one that was always joking and playing around with people.

Grim: It is I, the Reaper. I'm here to cull the body and soul of a certain Kingston Foxglove, née McDoux.

Grim: Your time on the earthly plane has ended, Kingston, and now you must make your journey across the River Styx - what, I'm in the wrong room? Damn that new teleportation device! Sacrificing innocents to fuel the teleporter spells was so much more efficient...damn bureaucracy.

Grim: *Ahem,* Kingston Foxglove, your time on the mortal - oops, I meant earthly - plane has ended...yadda yadda.

Kingston: This isn't what I was expecting! Please, give me more time! Let me say goodbye to my wife and see my grandchildren before I go. Please!

Lirael: Grandaddy...

Florence: Get out of this house, you home-wrecker! Leave us alone and give us back our Kingston!

Sadly, death doesn't deal in mercy, and Kingston is gone. :( And the most heartbreaking music from the soundtrack to The Painted Veil started playing on while I was typing this, so now I'm sad all over again.

And where was Royal?

Arriving home from work.

Royal: Dad? No, no! He died and I wasn't there for him. I didn't even get to see him before he died...

I just hate seeing them cry. :<

Kingston achieved his LTW (to have 50,000 in household funds) shortly before his death. I thought it'd never happen, with all the house expansions and moving the Foxgloves did. I placed his grave near the trampoline in the backyard, his favorite place. ;__;

Royal: ...And so the astronauts lived happily ever after. You know, sweetie, grandpa Kingston would love to know you achieved your dream of going to space someday.

Lirael: I know, dad, but I really miss him.

Lirael: Really...sad...

Royal: Me too, sweetie. Me too.

Royal: We all love you, though. And someday, it won't hurt as bad. Goodnight, my little astronaut.

Even Alaska was inconsolable after Kingston died. She stayed overnight, crying and crying. :(

Polly: I don't know how to go on without you, Kingston...why didn't the Reaper take me, too?

Oh, Polly. My poor baby.
But of course, life went on for the Foxgloves.

Even if life going on meant a classy underwear birth.

Florence: Why'd you put the grilled cheese on the floor, silly?! If you have to waste food, at least don't make a mess on the floor!

Florence: Okay, never mind about that, just HELP ME!

Though I didn't take pictures of them as larvae, twins Nemo and Mint were welcomed into the family.

Tyr: Feeeeeed meeeeeeee! C'mon, a man's gotta eat!

The household was so hectic with 2 babies and 2 toddlers, and everyone else in mourning. @_@

But thank goodness it was soon time for Ask and Tyr to venture into the mysterious place called childhood.

Maybe venture was the wrong word. More like stumble.

Ask: Foxy, right? Look at me; I'm winning!

[Hackneyed reference is hackneyed, I know. But it makes me laugh so much.]

Ask: I suddenly feel so intelligent.

Despite the makeover, Ask gained the trait virtuoso to go along with his other traits, loner and heavy sleeper. :)

Perhaps childhood wasn't the best thing for Tyr.

He gained the party animal trait, to my immense amusement.

Oh, and look! A wild selfsim appeared, just in time for Nemo and Mint's aging into toddlers.

Royal: So exciting!

Polly: I've never seen anything funnier than the sight of my grandchildren growing up.

Sim!Me: *steps on Alaska's homework* I hope I'm not too conspicuous...

Finally, a ginger baby! This, my friends, is Mint, and she's an easily-wakened eccentric. Fun traits.

And Nemo, whose panda costume was colored wrong by yours truly. :| He's a genius who would like to perfect the art of being a couch potato. These twins are going to be great, I can tell.

Peaches: Your aunt left me broken and lonely.

Ask: Yeah, well, my grandpa just died. I think you'll be fine.

Aw, a pillow fight broke out between Tyr and Tuesday.

Tyr: This is the battle of the ages! I will not be defeated!

Tuesday: Oh no! I'm too weak; please, have mercy on my cowardly soul and spare my life- ooof!

My selfsim is apparently an idiot. A vampire, eating cake. Nice job, Sim!Me...sadly enough, that's probably something I'd do if I happened to be a bloodsucking creature of the night.

Lirael: These are some pretty sweet tunes, made even sweeter by the fact that this artist is underground.

Royal: What'd you say, sweetie?

Lirael: Eh, just thinking aloud about how hip I am.

Like father, like daughter.


Polly: You don't remember me, baby?

Kingston: Ew, humans!

Seriously, game? This is sacrilege!

Royal: I love being a dad. :)

Royal: ...especially since my kids are so ridiculously awesome!

Mint's so cute. :3 One thing I don't like about this picture, though, it that is documents another case of the pestilence that is IFs. Every kid this generation got one. So. Much. Rage.

Bahamut enjoys sunny afternoons on the front walkway. Perhaps he's enamored with the flowers.

Florence totally isn't pregnant again or anything like that...

Nope, of course not. :|

Ask: Look at me, the most feared pirate to sail the seven seas! Arrrr, mateys!

I kind of adore Ask and his nerdy little self. <3

Especially since he enjoys baking muffins so much, haha.

Polly's been coping with the death of her best friend and lover by tending to her rather huge garden.

And by playing video games with her grandkids, of course.

Decorating fail, oh gosh. At least Mint is making this picture better with her cuteness.

Ask: Just a little more of this orangey stuff and I should have the perfect stink potion...I think.

Royal: I can hear him, love! He's gonna be a good kid.

Florence: How are you so sure this baby will be a boy?

Royal: Well...I don't.

Royal: But I'm sure that they'll be a wonderful addition to our family. :)

Florence: GRAAAAAAGHH! Look out, it's gonna get you!

Mint: Eeeek, mommy! What's gonna get me?

Florence: Why, the tickle monster, of course!

Mint: Meh, this is nothin'.

Florence: That wasn't enough? Well, then, it's time for the RELOADED tickle monster, then!

Mint: Your face is just too funny, mommy!

Perhaps all that playtime induced labor. Though Florence seems rather nonchalant about it all, doesn't she?

Royal: Oh, baby! You want me to take you to the hospital? Some hot water and towels? A massage? Music?

Florence: Calm down, just give me a minute to make this bed and then I'll deliver the baby, it's no big deal.

Florence: Okay, this still hurts like hell. And Royal, you could help shutting up!

Since his parents are occupied, the one to deal punishment to Tyr for skipping school is Polly.

Polly: I'm disappointed, kid, because you let us find out that you're skipping. If you're going to be a truant, be a sneaky one.

Sound advice.

Now that Kingston's gone, Royal has begun actually repairing the things he brakes. How revolutionary.

Maid: My life is like a soulless void, passing before me in an endless, meaningless stream.

Royal: While I pity you for your inner turmoil, I'll have to fire you if you don't clean like I'm paying you to do.

Florence: Hello, cake.

Florence: We meet again.

Yep, it's time to see the new Foxglove baby.

But not after some quality derp time with Tyr...

Who ends up in time out for his bad grades. :(

Say hello to Cosmia Foxglove, named after a Joanna Newsom song. She inherited her grandfather's eyes (awesome), mother's hair (also awesome), and has the seemingly conflicting traits of evil and easily impressed.

Royal: Tyr, what, what, what are you doing? Look at your life, look at your choices!

Tyr: B-but dad, I --

Royal: Oh, don't worry, son. I hate to see my kids sad. Just do your homework from now on.

Tyr: *sniffle* Okay, dad.

Now for some toddler spam. :3

I love her. LOVE. I am not engaging in favoritism already, no sir, not me.

Cosmia: See this doll? Imagine yourself as this doll.

Cosmia: Hmm, it's more difficult to behead these things than I thought.

Yep, she's evil.

Cosmia: Underestimate my abilities, though, and I will END YOU.

Mint: Aw, yeah, I put the right block in the right slot! ACCOMPLISHMENT.

Cosmia: Amateur.

Nemo: Listen to this beautiful sonata I'm composing, just for you.

Nemo: Fantastic. I'm fantastic.

I often catch Tyr just dancing by himself when I check to see what he's doing.


Tyr: I've got a test today and I need to raise my grade in math. As long as I can count on my fingers, I should be okay. I hope.

Schoolwork must come more naturally to Lirael, because she spends loads of time playing video games. Polly's not the best influence. :|

Tyr: ♫♪You know my hips don't lie, and I'm starting to feel it's right... All the attraction; the tension~ Don't you see baby? This is perfection.♪♫

I adore this kid.

Of course, Ask tries to spend his time on more cerebral pursuits. Keyword: tries.

Ask: Hours of staring at this board, and I still don't know what a rook does.


Seriously, though...that freaked me out. o__o;

Lirael: *glub glub*

Lirael: Captain! I have located the enemy warships! Permission to fire?

Lirael: Agh!! You'll never take me aliiiiive!

Cosmia: Food time? :D

Cosmia: I was acting cute so that you'd feed me, and then you DIDN'T FEED MEEEE! D:

Cosmia: Why is this man I call my dad sniffing my hair so closely?

Royal: This one has nefarious things up her sleeve. I can smell the evil.

So, perhaps, to dull the edge to Cosmia's evil mind, he tells her of nice things, like unicorns.

Royal: ...try your best not to anger the unicorn, though. It will charge to kill if you do.

Cosmia: Ooh, I wanna meet one.

Florence: Sometimes, I wonder about how Royal became so odd. Then I see Polly and understand.

Cosmia. <3

Florence: Ugh, I don't feel to good.

Royal: ...should buy more teddy bears...need any army of bears...

Florence: I knew woohooing when we'd had some nectar was a bad idea!

Yep. Risky woohoo will be giving the Foxgloves another baby. :|

Tyr: Fear me, for I am the great Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Tyr: Graaaagh! I shall make everyone dance the funky chicken in my fearsome rampage across Simlandia!

Aw, I thought this was so cute. Polly wanted to get to know her grandkids better.

Though admittedly, Ask doesn't seem to thrilled by it. Don't be r00d, boy.

Florence: So, um, I'm pregnant again.

Royal: Really? That's amazing, honey! I can't wait too see our child.

Florence: Oh, I knew you'd take it well, darling. *smooch*

Lirael: This is such a great place to watch the stars, wow! Maybe someday I'll be up there, among the stars, bouncing around in a space suit.

Polly: Who's a cute baby? You are!

Polly: Who's getting tickled?

Mint: Meeee! Why's it always me?

I gave Florence a little makeover before it was time for some birthdays. :)

And of course, I had to invite my selfsim over, narcissistic person that I am.

Sim!Me: By Jove! They've mutliplied!

Oh, Royal. You're certainly a special sim. ♡

And thus, it was time for Lirael's birthday.

Lirael: I wish...for a time machine! So I can go to the future and see all the awesome rockets they have!

Polly: Hahaha, rockets! What a riot!

Oh, Polly, you truly are inappropriate.

I included this for the little girl booing at Polly in the background, haha. I think that's Schuyler's kid.

Royal: Oh man, that outfit is just heinous.

I think she grew up beautifully...though apparently my simself disagrees with me.

Lirael: Oooh, I've always wanted to meet a vampire! So, what's it like, never seeing the sun? I really hope you don't sparkle.

Sim!Me: ...Thankfully, no, I don't sparkle. However, there are probably some vampires at raves that do.

Lirael: Hey, lil' bro or sis, I bet you're gonna wear some tiny shoes. Those shoes will be so cute. Man, I love shoes.

Lirael: I bet you're gonna be even more cute than shoes, though.

Oh, and Lirael's traits are now absent-minded, clumsy, hates the outdoors (oh gosh :|), and hot-headed.

More birthdays, this time from the younger set of twins.

Um. That is horrifying, Mint. Please, stop.

I still can't unsee that face from before.

Cute (geez, how many times have I said that word this chapter?), though since I had different default skins in at this point, I can't tell who she resembles more. And unfortunately, I didn't write down her next trait, so I don't remember it. D:

Nemo's turn!

Wow, he very much resembles his mother. I think all of his facial features are from her. I still love him to pieces, though. He gained the loser trait. This'll be fun.

Florence: I hate you all! Standing there, not even trying to help me or even freak out a little!

Seriously. All the boys just stood around, staring at her.

Suddenly, a baby. This one's named Dot.

And isn't she just darling? Also, hello, random blond hair.

Dot: Look, man, a bogey! Isn't that just the coolest thing EVER?

I mean, not really, but your face is pretty rad.

Royal: I am the wind in the grass, as poised as a birch tree. Parenthood is no match for me, for I am Royal, Royal Foxglove.

As a very brief spares update, here's another of Tuesday and Carver's kids. :3 He's so cute!

Also, guess who watched Fantastic Mr. Fox again the other day?

That's right, this cussin' girl.

I hope you enjoyed this update, even with Kingston dying, the ridiculous length of the chapter, and my silly captions. Thanks for reading! ♥♥♥

foxglove, !ts3, !sims

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