Just thought I'd share a quick translation of a part of tonight's HEY!HEY!HEY! before I head to sleep...
Shige's April Fool's prank on Koyama (5:07~6:46)
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News Jpop Shige: On April fool's, I thought I'd try to play a trick on Koyama.
Koyama: Because I'll completely believe anything.
Hamada: Because you're an idiot, right?
Koyama: Ya... sorry.
Shige: So, on the spot I sent him an text message saying, " Yamashita-kun won't be taking part in the new song."
Everyone: Eh!?
Hamada: You must have included emoticons or something, no?
Shige: Without any emoticons, I sent it in all seriousness.
Matsumoto: I see, I see.
Shige: But I thought he'd probably have realized that it was April Fool's. But then he wrote back to me going, "Huh? Why?", whitout emoticons or anything.
Koyama: But it wasn't that kind of excited, "Why?"! It was more like "Seriously?!"
Shige: Ya, as though he really objected to the idea. So I said I had no idea why, but that I was telling him in confidence. But then... his next text was a reply saying "It's pointless to release anything if Yamapi doesn't participate!"
Koyama: It was the worst prank ever!
Matsumoto: But you're such a good kid! Such a good kid!
Shige: Seriously, and this was right before going on stage for a live performance! I was starting to feel it'd be cruel to prolong the joke any further, so I asked him "Do you know what day it is?" and, stupidly, he replied "Tuesday.". I'd had enough! It was droning on and on.
Matsumoto: That's how short-tempered you are!
Hamada: And just why were you half-laughing all this time?
Yamapi: Ah... sorry.
Matsumoto: That couldn't be complete could it?!*
Yamapi: No~! (Yes...)
Audience: Eh~!
* Referring to Yamapi's laughter - was he openly laughing instead of just half-laughing?
And that's it! Comments, corrections and consntructive criticism are appreciated. Please ask my permission before reposting, and enjoy!