I'll try, time and skill permitting, to translate this Special fully, but I don't know when it will be completed. The Ryo parts have priority, but I'll try to get to the other characters as well.
Well, it's a way for me to procrastinate productively. XD I'm pretty certain the entire thing will never be completed, but I'll try to get at least the Ryo parts up. <(^0^)>
Have you had a chance to watch the first episode yet?
To answer your question i can't actually say i did watch the first episode because i had forgotten it's air date when i remembered in the last second. So i actually saw the last 10 minutes of it. And LOVED it! And the ending OMG i cannot wait for Michiru's response to that !
Have you had a chance to watch the first episode yet?
To answer your question i can't actually say i did watch the first episode because i had forgotten it's air date when i remembered in the last second. So i actually saw the last 10 minutes of it. And LOVED it! And the ending OMG i cannot wait for Michiru's response to that !
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