Minna genki kai?
I am so incredibly relieved that march break. I can't begin to describe it. But anyhow it's here, and I have so much to say, I might ACTUALLY update more than once in a week *gasp*. But first things first.
Japan is doing some hardcore hardrive killing this spring. Here's what's been lined up for April alone:
KAT-TUN New album - Cartoon Kat-tun II You (Johnny, you astound me yet again. Could you have picked a worse title? I'm convinced that you know that it's "FOR you" and not "TO you" but choose to ignore the fact, just because it suits your covenience and the lame album-naming gimmick you insist on imposing every group you debut.)
Kanjani8 New Single - Zukokke Otoko Michi (Yay~! Just when KJ8 titles couldn't get any weirder~!)
Seito Shokun - This is actually the reason I'm posting this entry to begin with. I think I might actually need to watch at least one episode of the drama solely because Horikita Maki, Hongo Kanata, Shirota Yuu and Uehara Misa. U-kun and Maki?! After Yamapi, who just happens to be U's bosom buddy. Too, too weird. Was so surprised when I saw the cast but, ya. Yay for Shirota getting a bigger role in a drama. Kimmy, this was definitely not an attempt to brainwash you into watching it with me. *cough*
Seito Shokun Proposal Daisakusen - Yamapi's new drama, which I'm really excited about because of the storyline, and not so much because of Yamapi's acting. ^^; Quite honestly, aside from the 2 final episodes of Kurosagi, some points were *really* hard to keep watching, since... I really don't think he's that strong an actor, at least when it comes to conveying subtle emotion. The freaking-out-because-I'm-crazy,-lonely,-and-really-need-to-kill-someone he does extremely well, but I don't think he's quite where Domoto Tsuyoshi or Kamenashi Kazuya are in terms of mastering all the finer points of acting. But anyhow, I'm looking forward to seeing Nagasawa Manami act, since Sawajiri Erika swore to kill her, but ya. Also looking forward to Fujiki Naohito, who is a wonderful actor and hopefully won't overshadow Yamapi too much, as well as Hiroaka Yuuta who some of you might remember as Ayuta from Tatta Hitotsu no Koi. <3 But this drama actually looks really interesting. I love the time slip that it involves. The wedding should be really pretty and involve snow as Yamapi slips back in time, but I know it probably won't, since it's spring... *sigh*.
Tokkyu Tanaka 3Go Koki's first lead. He's an amazing comic actor as far as I'm concerned and, regardless of whether or not he were a Johnny's I have probably picked this out to watch. I hope a group decides to sub this, although it'll probably be difficult since the Japanese love puns in their comedy. I really hope this meets its expectations. Theme song will supposedly be by KAT-TUN, which makes me wonder if it'll be the b-side to Peak, or if we're looking at a new single altogether. Oh, and I laughed good portion of my rear-end off when I say that he was co-starring with Kurayami Chiaki (Kill Bill). Such an odd couple...
Tokkyu Tanaka 3 Go 1L no Namida Special - Really nothing more to say. Very much lookg forward to this, with Ryo-chan as the lead. Hopefully more will be explained about what went on between Aya and Haruto toward the end of Aya's life. Definitely at the top of my list, and thankfully coming out soon, although I may have to wait 'til after exams to watch it.
Mayonaka no March - This actually sounds really good. I'm not familiar with the cast other than Kashii Yu, whom I quite dislike, but it's a Special Drama, which means only 1-2 episodes, so I'll probably end up checking this out. According to d-addicts, it's "A drama adaptation of Okuda Hideo's popular novel, Mayonaka no March, is about three young adults who meet by chance and are drawn together when they attempt to pull off a perfect crime - a heist of 1 billion yen. " (
Watashi_no_Atama_no_Naka_no_Keshigomu - I'm tempted to watch this for my grand-mother, since it's about a woman with Alzheimer's disease. Another Special.
Watashi no Atama no Naka no Keshigomu (The Eraser in my Head) Hotelier - Dare we watch another Ueto drama? I may look into it, but Ryo drew me into the last one, and lest Ueto and Ryo pair up again, I don't see it happening again any time soon, as much as I like her. I'll wait to see what the story has to offer once a better summary pops up, 'cause 11 episodes of Ueto getting up to strange antics trying to run a hotel (surprisingly) doesn't souns too, too appealing... ^^;; It'd be Attention Please all over again.
Hanayome_to_Papa - I know I'm not going to watch this, but it's Junno's new Drama so it has to go here. XD It'll probably turn into one of those dramas to download between seasons in the summer or something, but we'll see. This is my "Ganbare" to Taguchi-kun.
And that is (luckily for both you, dear reader, and my hard drive)
Aside from all that, on the acting front, Katou Rosa has caught my attention lately. She's a half-italian, half-japanese newcomer, who seems quite promising. I'll be looking into her dramas, quite possibly Tsubasa no Oreta Tenshitachi 2.
Alright... so all I had a chance to do this entry was rant about dramas. I didn't even get to live performances!! Or stuff that actually happened in real life. *sigh* I'll save that for tomorrow.
I hope everyone is well and happy. I send you all lots of love.
Jaa ne!
"Para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia~!"