Jul 24, 2005 07:07
When Jeff, primeoffense on LJ, said our freedoms are in jeopardy by Sonny Bush, he was neither joking nor incorrect. This is ONE, I repeat ONE, section from the Patriot Act:
Sec. 201. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism.
Sec. 202. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to computer fraud and abuse offenses.
Sec. 203. Authority to share criminal investigative information.
Sec. 204. Clarification of intelligence exceptions from limitations on interception and disclosure of wire, oral, and electronic communications.
Sec. 205. Employment of translators by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Sec. 206. Roving surveillance authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
Sec. 207. Duration of FISA surveillance of non-United States persons who are agents of a foreign power.
Sec. 208. Designation of judges.
Sec. 209. Seizure of voice-mail messages pursuant to warrants.
Sec. 210. Scope of subpoenas for records of electronic communications.
Sec. 211. Clarification of scope.
Sec. 212. Emergency disclosure of electronic communications to protect life and limb.
Sec. 213. Authority for delaying notice of the execution of a warrant.
Sec. 214. Pen register and trap and trace authority under FISA.
Sec. 215. Access to records and other items under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
Sec. 216. Modification of authorities relating to use of pen registers and trap and trace devices.
Sec. 217. Interception of computer trespasser communications.
Sec. 218. Foreign intelligence information.
Sec. 219. Single-jurisdiction search warrants for terrorism.
Sec. 220. Nationwide service of search warrants for electronic evidence.
Sec. 221. Trade sanctions.
Sec. 222. Assistance to law enforcement agencies.
Sec. 223. Civil liability for certain unauthorized disclosures.
Sec. 224. Sunset.
Sec. 225. Immunity for compliance with FISA wiretap.
Now, bear in mind, the justification for these provisions - national security - can be stretched to pretty much anything the government wants them to cover. They have the authority to listen to any call you make or have made, the authority to browse, confiscate and remove any electronic information, from documents on your hard drive to email to this very blog I'm writing right now. Anything they damn well please, that's what this section authorizes. And that's ONE section out of TEN.
Bush is ruining our country. The general populace of this nation doesn't realize the mistake they made electing this entire family. Of all the presidential families in the past one hundred years, not one, from Nixon to Clinton, cost us the international respect and national civil liberties that the Bushes have.
Yes, bush had an international crisis to deal with. So did Clinton. So did Bush Senior. So did Reagan. So did almost every other goddamn president this country has ever had. People who use that as an excuse for the 'measures' he's taken are either naive or just plain stupid. Every president is tested; Sonny Bush has been the first in a long time to fail as badly as he has done.
The worst part is, there's pretty much nothing we can do. With a Republican-controlled Congress, even if they snapped out of their drunken stupor and realized, "Holy shit has this motherfucker fucked up," the chances of him ACTUALLY getting removed from office after impeachment are about as good as Bush picking up an AR-15 and heading to the Sunni Triangle himself to find Bin-Laden.
Enjoy the fruits of your labor, America. Maybe I'll fucking move to Canada.