Adagio For Strings started to play as I walked down the corridor to get my East and West essay. I should have taken it as a sign! Anyhow, I got poorly. *sigh* Any impossible chance of getting an overall HD is quite obviously crushed. Though I must admit I had already given up on it, as it is quite unlikely for me to get 90% on two units.
Apparently my structure is awful. Ah, here is what I read of her comment:
While you did do the necessary reading, reflected in your essay, (Is she implying I didn't do enough?) the work suffers from a systematic 'hurridness'. There are numerous errors that, with a more systematic approach, could have been avoided. The structure is terrible. You blast straight into Kaufmans objections without even setting up the problem at hand which he addresses - that of kamma and justice. So my advice, slow down.
*sigh* What did she expect for such a short essay. But I suppose I should have dropped something, and should have been less excited with my idea. I don't think the structure is that bad, but I guess some people just can't see what's wrong. Grr, I wish I had another
auntpol who could read my work (she was too busy). I know
reaps has done philosophy in the past but he... I dunno, sometimes I find him failing to read my essay properly, or perhaps it doesn't make sense and then he doesn't tell me that it is bad. I do not know what I would prefer.
Well, I will read the specific comments later. I was never good at reading them. Oooh, Belle and Sebastian is playing. Hey I like it.
I don't intend to winge about this, I quite believe she is much more capable of marking/judging my essay then me. I just wish... I should have done a more complex question that feels like you have to explain everything. This topic seemed to simple to explain. Oh well. My fault. I think my linguistics writing essays is ruining me for philosophy essays. They are much more about clarity and simplicity, and one doesn't have to worry about rushing. Rather you have to try and fit as much stuff in as you can, so you need to smoosh everything together. I see now that I haven't gotten better at writing essay's, I've gotten better at writing Linguistic essays(/reports). My lab tutor in Physics did say I was good at reports, my work was a bit poor ^_^.
I suppose this does make it easier to decide what to do my honors on. :/ But it means I have to do extra study in Philosophy, time I didn't really want to spend there.
Perhaps I did not deserve my 'finishing of assignments award'. Which was this sweet polaroid (but is not Polaroid) camera. Hrm, exams. I am so bad at them.