you were just another dead end road.

Jan 25, 2005 15:04

went shopping yesterday . going again tonight =D

A r E . Y o U _ ?
[Racist] not a chance
[Funny] i think so=P
[Depressed] no
[Weird] weird has a negative connoation. i'm jus very much my own person
[Lazy] usually
[Romantic] veryy
[Serious] about important things
[Smart] yea i think so
[In love] nope
[Hyper] haha i get crazzzyyy
[Moody] i can be
[Religious] no
[Playful] yes
[Experienced] in what? i am in sum things most ppl my age aren't . but i have a LOT to learn
[Emotional] 100%
[Tolerant] i try . but sumtimes it's hard..

H o W . D o . Y o U . F e E l. A b O u T ?
[Abortion] i agree 100% in the first trimester. buuut after that circumstances depend.
[Gay marraige] Gay people deserve the same benefits straight people do.
[Love] is wonderful is you are truly loved bak
[War with Iraq] needs to end
[Sex before marraige] i think it's alright if that person is comfortable with it
[Reality tv] mm..can get boring, but i <3 it anyway

R e L a T i O n S h I p Z
[Single or taken] single
[Since when?] uuuh mid december .. but for sum dumb reason we were still messin around thru early january
[Boyfriend/girlfriend/crush] none
[Best Friend] amanda , sarah, dana, beth, co .. emma? =/ i hope.
[Four other friends]  nancy casi eliza
[Worst Enemy] i don't have an enemy
[Siblings] my sister michalina & my brother nathan
[Do you get along with your parents?] usually with my mom. rarely with my "father"

D o . Y o U ?
[Like to shop] definetly
[Wear makeup] indeed
[Do homework] usually
[Make money] babysittingg .
[Want to die] never TRULY
[Have a job] not no moreee
[Like to sew] no.
[Like to cook] i donno how
[Go in chat rooms] nope
[Get easily attatched] to friends, yes, not guys.
[Get tired of these questions] nu uhhh

H a V e . Y o U . E v E r ?
[Been out of America] yes
[Gone out with someone for over a year] nope
[Danced in the rain] YES COLLEEN!!!! uuuu kno!!
[Made out in the rain] i really wanna be kissed in the rain - never have tho
[Had sex] no
[Had oral sex] mind ur business
[Had anal sex] hell no !! i heard that shit hurts like a motheerrrr
[Played video games for over 4 hours straight] no
[Gone out with somebody for their reputation or looks] nope
[Skinny dipped] nah
[Gone streaking] No
[Dyed your hair] yes ma'aaam
[broken a promise] not recentlyy. a longgg time ago
[gotten in a fight] yes
[gotten suspended] no
[cried at a funeral] Yes
[cried over a guy/girl] yes. 2 guys.

Y o U r . P a S t
[What do you remember most in your whole life?] anytimes with my tennessee family <3
[In the past year?] summer04. how much burleigh suckedd =(
[Name everyone who has changed your life] my parents have practically taught me everything not to do by example. umm calvin made me open my eyes to what guys can really be like. uuh sarah,dana,dominique,em
[Name everyone you ever loved] i THINK i've been in love. once.
[Who did you lose touch with?] sara
[Who do you wish you still talked to?] alex garza
[Scariest moment?] dad.
[Happiest moment?] i don't even kno . i'm happy a lot.
[Most sad time?] mmm all of 8th grade
[Did you like your childhood?] parts.
[Are your real parents still together?] yea but they shouldn't be
[What do you regret?] goin that wiith cmj
[If you could change one thing about you past, what would it be?] one thing. and i'm not saying because nobodyyy knows.
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