gacked from
meeshy 2007 Review
- 2 trips to SoCal [tho' the second was primarily in 2008, it still counts!]
- Winning NaNo2007
- Finishing Rainbows after 2 1/2 years
- 67 stories written in 2007
- amyrayh coming home from WestPac
- CSI: Miami, particularly Calleigh & Natalia
- Papi, Egg, & the fishes
- Pushing Daisies
- Teletech [there are highs and lows involved, tho' mostly highs I suppose]
- A technically ornamental cherry tree [12 fruits does not count as fruit-bearing on a 30' tree]
- Gabriel
- Weird bouts of what is either a pinched nerve or fucked up carpal tunnel
- The break-in
- amyrayh going out on WestPac
- No Gatecon *pouts*
- GSR killing off Sassy violently...
- The Writers' Strike
That's pretty much the bulk of it...without going back thru every single entry of 2007. For the most part, it was a good year.
And here's hoping 2008 is even better...