gacked from
coloneljack Album Cover Meme
CLICK HEREThe first article title on the page is the name of your band.
CLICK HEREThe last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
CLICK HEREThe third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
You then take the pic and add your band name and the album title to it, then post your pic.
Note :: I didn't quite understand what was meant by "the first article" in #1, so I took the name of the first article referenced on the page. What cracks me up is that it was about Diana Ross... *veg*
- High-Res Irises
gacked this one completely and utterly from lupabitch...and I'm thinking of making some icons from some of these, as they're so damned fascinating... That and I wanna know what my irises look like...
- Sleeping in parts?
Another one from lupabitch that actually is quite interesting in theory. It would certainly explain a lot about shatterpath's sleeping patterns, I think...
- Homemade body sugaring
This is one of the few unlocked entries on poor_skills. I'm actually going to consider this one...But I wasn't sure the rest of y'all would be interested or not...