First Fun Time-Wasting Shit Post of 2007!!!

Jan 07, 2007 15:08

And it's even separated by type of shit, for your pleasure! *veg*

The Multimedia Fun Shit
  • King of the World .. You want your sounds up for this one. Speranza really is fucking brilliant to have done this... I don't watch Stargate Atlantis, but this fucking completely CMU and had me coughing from laughing so hard! Bwahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahaha!!!!! And I still really ABHOR and DETEST that song.... [chvickers turned me on to this originally]
  • Hinterland Who's Who & Spiders on Drugs .. Again, sounds up and nothing to drink nearby. This had me in stitches and wanting more... I LOVED IT! [chvickers turned me on to this originally]
  • Doctorin' the Tardis by the Timelords .. aka The Justified Ancients of Mu-Mu, aka The KLF. I fucking love this song! It makes me giggle...and now it makes me think of the disco at Timeless Destinations 2006. *hee* And for those interested, there's more info on the Dr. Who theme music... [Originally turned on to this via gategoers_2007 yahoogroup]
  • Botswana Wild Animal Cam .. Courtesy of NationalGeographic.Com Give it a minute or two for the ad commercial to play and for the cam itself to boot up. It's quite fun to watch...and can be very addicting. I love animals... [persiaa turned me on to this originally]
The Just Plain Fun Shit
  • Warning Label Generator .. Okay, this is fucking fun! You literally go thru and create your own warning labels! I haven't done one yet, mainly because I'm still trying to think of what it'll say.... *hee* [persiaa turned me on to this originally]
  • New Knitting/Crocheting Show on PBS .. I'm so stoked to see this. I love watching these shows, but there really seems to be a lack of crocheting shows. And it's hosted by Kassie DePaiva, who's kinda hot... *veg* [Originally turned on to this via crochetpartners yahoogroup]
  • Epic Proportions @ Passion & Perfection .. Come on, y'all! You know you wanna play this game. 20,00 words between now and 5th April on femslash. How hard can that be? And seriously, y'all? Like I wouldn't pimp this for ralst? Get writing!!! *veg*
  • Stephanie March on Mariska.Com .. How sweet! I know a few others on my flist have mentioned this already, but I thought it warranted it again... *veg* SM is smokin' hot and I haven't lost as much respect for her as I have for MH. *shrugs* Shit happens, right? But this is very sweet and you can tell they're friends.... [Originally turned on to this via AlexLivilla yahoogroup]
The Neat News Shit
  • Recent floods highlight theory on Maeshowe's ditch .. It's great seeing that the theories surrounding the moats like this are proven correct. And yeah, I know this is like a month and a half old, but it's still an interesting article nonetheless... [Got turned onto this via pnwpagans yahoogroup]
  • Full Moon Names for 2007 .. Okay, this always fascinates me. I love learning the various names that the moons are given, depending on traditions/tribes/cultures/etc. For the January full moon, I was passed out in bed. For the February full moon, I'll be in the vicinity of Angel Island. And yes, miashael, I'll be at Angel Island on Imbolc, approximately 13 hrs after the full moon. *squee* [odogoddess turned me on to this originally]
  • Passers-by catch tumbling toddler .. Okay, this is fucking crazy! Thankfully all that kid got was a cut on his forehead! And thankfully those two guys were there to catch him. Bet that babysitter feels like crap now! I know I would. And yes, I know that sometimes you need to look away from the kids, but wow! vassilissa turned me on to this originally]
The Sad and/or Fucked Up News Shit
  • Death in the family .. Okay, this was sad to find out about, and my heart goes out to Amanda Tapping and her family. And I've noticed that it hasn't been around on my flist at all, which kind of surprised me, what with all the SG1 fen... Strange... [Got turned onto this via abydosgate yahoogroup]
  • Last Croc Hunter Show Won't Have Death .. While there is a [admittedly small] sick and twisted part of me that would love to see what happened, to see this man go pretty much in a way that seems oddly apt [and I know that sounds odd], I am HUGELY glad that this footage will never be seen. There really is no need for it to be seen. It won't accomplish anything but cause more hurt and anguish for the family.
  • God told me all hell will break loose: Pat .. FFS! Will this man never stop? I'm waiting to hear that if we send him X million [billion?] dollars, he'll tell God to stop this.... And I just love these "one on one retreats" he has with God. CMU!!! [odogoddess turned me on to this originally]
  • Disabled Child's Parents Defend Growth-Retarding Therapy .. Wow! This really defies words. Upon reflection, I can see the parents' POV with their treatment plan, but at the same time I don't like the ethical issue surrounding this. I mean yes, this is obviously a single family case, but what happens if other families want to do the same thing? It's really a very slippery ethical slope here... [persiaa turned me on to this originally]
  • US Army urges dead to re-enlist .. Seriously, how fucked up is this? I mean seriously? I know that accidents can happen, but this is a little...freaky.... [ncruuk turned me on to this originally]

fun time-wasting stuff

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