FSAC :: DW06 Voting Addendum

Jan 06, 2007 17:27

Because of some issues with both our host servers and the servers where our voting form is hosted that resulted in approximately a 24 hr period where people weren't able to vote, shatterpath and I have decided to extend the voting by an additional 24 hrs.

Voting will now end at 11:59pm PST on 7th Janaury 2007, with results being announced on 8th January 2007. The graphics will also be posted at approximately the same time as the results are announced. The stories will still be released from exclusivity on 7th January 2007, as originally planned.

If needed, the link for voting once again is http://fsac.shatterstorm.net/yule2006/vote.html.

If there are any questions, please feel free to comment here or email us.


aj & jenn .. ShatterStorm Productions ..

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