Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jul 14, 2015 21:47

July 14, 2015
Laughing at the Moon
Krishna Das

Laughing At The Moon is a collection of some of KD best-loved chants. It blends a western rock album perspective with the deep resonance of the kirtan traditions to weave the stages of life s loves and longings into a journey of discovery, unified through pathways of song.

Hara Hara Mahaadeva
Govinda Hare
Rock In A HeartSpace
Shri Guru Charanam
Mother Song
Sita Ram
God Is Real / Hare Ram
Shri Hanuman Chaleesa / Gate of Sweet Nectar
Baba Hanuman

July 14, 2015
Formidable Empowerment
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

A sense of empowerment may surge through you today, helping you feel formidable when dealing with others. Even if you don't initially feel it, by projecting self-confidence and inner strength you will convince others. Since they are likely to take you seriously and act accordingly, you may begin to feel the confidence you had previously been only pretending to feel. Confidence and empowerment are mental choices, so you may have to convince yourself by acting as if you already possess the feelings you want to have. Today you are able to convince yourself and others of the truth of your confidence and inner strength.

Positive thinking, the use of affirmations, and our imaginations are powerful tools in building our dreams. When we spend time imagining how success feels, or the joy of sharing our abundance with loved ones, our mind begins to believe it. When we can convince our minds that such things are possible, we have made the first step in making them our reality. As with any energy, this works in the negative as well. This is why it is important to keep our thoughts positive. We have the same power to create and experience negative outcomes as positive ones; it is up to us. As cocreators of the universe and of our lives, we are truly formidable and powerful beings. Today as you affirm that truth and feel it deeply, you are able to convince yourself and others of your power over your happiness and success.

July 14, 2015
How Fear Blocks Creativity
Protecting Your Flow

by Madisyn Taylor

When we feel safe, our creativity unfolds like a beautiful flower.

To understand how fear blocks creativity, take a moment to imagine yourself telling a story. First, imagine telling the story to someone you love and who loves you. You probably feel warmth and energy as you fill in the details of your tale to your friend’s delight. Now, imagine telling the same story to someone who, for whatever reason, makes you uncomfortable. The wonderful twists and turns, the fine points and colorful images that unfolded in your mind for your friend probably won’t present themselves. Instead of warmth, energy, and creativity, you will probably feel opposite sensations and a desire to close down. When we feel unsafe, whether we fear being judged, disliked, or misunderstood, our creative flow stops. Alternately, when we feel safe, our creativity unfolds like a beautiful flower, without conscious effort.

Knowing this, we can maximize our creative potential by creating the conditions that inspire our creativity. In order to really be in the flow, we need to feel safe and unrestricted. However, achieving this is not as simple as avoiding people who make us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes we can be alone in a room and still feel totally blocked. When this happens, we know we have come up against elements in our own psyches that are making us feel fearful. Perhaps we are afraid that in expressing ourselves we will discover something we don’t want to know, or unleash emotions or ideas that we don’t want to be responsible for. Or maybe we’re afraid we’ll fail to produce something worthy.

When you’re up against fear, internal or external, ritual can be a powerful-and creative-antidote. Before you sit down to be creative, try casting a circle of protection around yourself. Visualize yourself inside a ring of light, protective fire, or angels. Imagine that this protective energy emanates unconditional love for you and wants to hear, see, and feel everything you have to express. Take a moment to bathe in the warmth of this feeling and then fearlessly surrender yourself to the power that flows through you.

daily om

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