Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.
- make my bed
- dishes daily
- call my family more often
- clean the cat box
- cook more meals
- exercise
- clean the house
The List
Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself. ::
DW ||
LJDay 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet. ::
DW ||
LJDay 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off. ::
DW ||
LJDay 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do. ::
DW ||
LJDay 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires. :: DW || LJ
Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures. :: DW || LJ
Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets. :: DW || LJ
Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.