January 12, 2012
Chakra Clearing and Healing Sounds
Terry Oldfield
Imagine being surrounded by warm colorful light, soft gentle music and in the presence of powerful healers. Chakra Clearing and Healing Sounds magically shares that experience. Spiritual teacher Soraya Saraswati’s soothing words combined with healing music by her husband,plus two-time Emmy nominee, Terry Oldfield, creates a journey beyond space and time, to go deep inside the self, and heal. Both meditations convey a trance-like world, where breath moves energy, and mind is void.
Chakras, the seven energy centers of the body,each have a location and color, and get blocked when our energy is not flowing freely leaving us feeling unbalanced, or ill. In the first of two meditationsSoraya guides us to clear stagnant energy through deepbreathing. We inhale the healing essence of each chakracolor, and breathe out negativity around relationships, poverty consciousness, and lack of self-love. Partaking in this healing journey createsinner strength along with the sensation of an invisible protective shield. At the heart chakraSoraya instructs, “Anahat is our center of love, compassion, acceptance, first to yourself / as you breathe out, release any doubt about the self, self-hate or judgment / as you inhale, feel the joy flowing into every cell of this part of your body / feel the heart awakening.” Appropriate for our high tech, fast-paced lives, this meditation eases the mind, balances the body, and calms the nerves.
The second meditation uses sound vibration to “break up dense energy and encourage the free flow of prana, or vital force, throughout the body.” Especially beautiful and rare instruments are interwoven with sounds of nature. Breath is also central to this meditation. We inhale and exhale whileabsorbing vibrations from the deep sounds of the didgeridoo, gongs, and heavy rain, shifting into sounds of the pan pipes, bells and crystal bowls, cycling into whales murmurs’, concluding with the “Om” mantra, and angelic voices leading us into higher realms. For most of us, this kind of live experience is unavailable, so getting close to the speakers, or usingsurround-sound to really soak it in, will enhance the meditation, increasehealing, and call us back for more.
January 12, 2012
Forging a Unique Path
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You may feel more commanding than usual when addressing your obligations today. Your ability to make decisions may be heightened and, as a result, you will likely approach challenging situations with a confident and poised demeanor. If a superior offers you a position of authority, you may discover that you feel comfortable taking on leadership roles you might once have shied away from. Your newfound decisiveness and inner strength can be intensely empowering. This may be the perfect time to reflect upon your life to determine whether you are truly in control of your own destiny. Should you find that you have been coasting through life rather than forging a path, today may be the day you choose to express your personal power by resuming control of your existence.
A willingness to exert your authority is a necessary component of your maintaining control of the direction your life is taking. Many people are conditioned early in their lives to defer to others when embroiled in situations where the needs of two or more people are in conflict. Taking an authoritative stance, yet one that is also sensitive to others' wishes, enables you to ensure that you will not be swept up in the tide of the desires and impulses of the individuals around you. You'll take a leadership role in your own affairs while doing your best to avoid interfering in the affairs of others. This focused determination will aid you in formulating a destiny that is as unique as it is fulfilling. Your life will be yours to direct today when you approach your affairs authoritatively.
January 12, 2012
Promoting the Positive
Negative Pull
We always have the option to not participate in negativity or to find a way to create a positive direction instead.
Sometimes we start out with the best intentions to think and speak only positive thoughts, but the people around us throw us off course. Not everyone fully understands the power our thoughts and words have, or even if they do, they may be stuck in old patterns of negativity. Much of our habitual communication takes the form of complaining and criticizing, and it can be hard to find a way into certain conversations without lapsing into those old habits. However, we always have the option not to participate in negativity or to find a way to influence the situation in a positive direction. In the right company, you may even be able to directly acknowledge the fact that things have taken a negative turn, thus freeing yourself and others from the negative pull.
Not everyone will respond to your cues, and there’s no need to become overly attached to the idea of changing other people, because people have to choose for themselves how they will be in the world. Many people choose negativity because it is familiar to them and feels safe. It is important to give people the space to find their own way, but you can always set an example, subtly representing the power of being positive. At times you may interject an affirmative statement into the conversation, and at others you may simply change the subject. You may also simply withdraw your energy and presence, which also makes a subtle statement. If you feel comfortable enough with somebody that is always negative, perhaps you can have an honest conversation with them; after all, awareness is the first step to change.
A powerful way to free yourself from the negative pull is to enlist allies who are similarly minded. You and a friend, coworker, or family member may agree to work together to continually shift the energy in a situation in a positive direction. The power of two people working to promote the positive is exponentially greater than one person working on their own. As you and your allies work together to lift the energy around you, you will be amazed to see how quickly the positive pull begins to draw people into its orbit, freeing one mind after another from negativity into light.