November 24, 2011
Return of the Tiger
James Asher
A leader in bringing the mystical, unearthly sound of the didgeridoo to modern western ears, James Asher is a composer and field recorder who brings modern western melody and Aborigine Dreamtime magic together in Return of the Tiger, a blending that can't be escaped any more than gravity or a haircut. Turn it on and feel it suck you into a slower, more enlightened way of doing things, where every breath can be structured to control one's prana as effortlessly as light flows from the sun, or a lamp, or a cat lands on its feet. Fun and light as some of the melodies may be, this is serious medicine.
Opener "Gatekeeping" shows off Asher's sumptuous mastery of the “circular breathing” process of true didgeridoo masters, as he seems to speak out in percussive waves through the instrument, under squelches and space-age sounds from a 303 synthesizer. The buzzing frenzy is enough to have you in an ecstatic trance running around your apartment, feeling the worries and woes of your daily life melt away to be replaced by something feral, immediate, and intimate. "Bells of Freedom" has a gentle, fun melody coming through on the bells over a percolating bed of synth, percussion, and didgeridoo. It's only as the melody takes you over that you realize just how involved and fractal-elaborate it really is. Murky tracks like "Kundu Tribal" use the didge in conjunction with a funky, slippery electric bass and an industrial percussion grid to create the vibe of slithering and slinking into the center of the earth as a big cinnamon-butter wave moves to the edge of a cut piece of toast.
Like the blazing, saturated tiger from the flames on the cover, Asher's Return of the Tiger has a phoenix-like power. Even if you haven't meditated in ages or felt that divine, deep anima mundi connection, Asher can lead you right to the heart of it as if you never left. There's a calm, urgent stride to this album, a sense of constant forward momentum while its stillness makes it ideal for, say, running or the gym, driving, or strutting through the park in your best plumage on a burnished autumnal day. With the deep roots of Asher's music to hold you, there are no limits.
November 24, 2011
Restoration as a Priority
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You may feel fatigued and worn out today, which could be the result of overtaxing your physical reserves. One good way to correct this is to allow yourself some time alone to recuperate. You might consider simple ways to restore your strength, such as taking a nap or sinking into a warm, soothing bath. Quiet meditation or journaling would also help release any tension you may be holding in your mind and body. A good way to uplift your mood at the same time would be to engage in activities that make you feel happy. You could take in a humorous movie, see a show, or visit the library for some uplifting reading material. Even better would be enjoying these activities along with the camaraderie of a friend or two.
Frequently restoring our energy through enjoyable activities allows us to regain our physical strength and a positive state of mind. Though we may have important responsibilities to handle each day, we also need to make our mental, spiritual, and physical well-being a high priority. By engaging in activities we enjoy and taking time to rest our body, we are able to let go of our tension and feel lighthearted about life again. Not only does our physical strength return but our minds become focused and positive, which helps us feel motivated about returning to our normal activities again. By making your personal needs a priority and honoring yourself with a period of rest and recreation today, you will find yourself feeling energized and optimistic once again.
November 24, 2011
Lightening the Soul
Soul Evolution
It is only when we actively seek to work through our issues that we can lighten the load and our souls can evolve.
From the moment we are born, our souls may feel heavy because they are carrying the weight of all we have lived, loved, and learned in our past incarnations. It is only when we actively seek to work through our issues that we can lighten the load and our souls can evolve. Divesting ourselves of what no longer serves us, such as unwarranted fear, the inability to feel empathy, or self-limiting behaviors, are just some of the many challenges we may face in this lifetime. While some issues we face are easier to deal with because they are the final remains of residue from a past life, other issues offer greater challenges because we are meant to work through them throughout this lifetime.
Often, we expect ourselves to recover quickly from difficult or painful circumstances. When we do not or cannot, we may feel emotionally inept or hopeless. The evolution of the soul, however, is an ongoing process that can take many lifetimes. It is a matter of accepting that even when we do our best there are going to be situations, people, and outcomes that we cannot control. It is also important to remember that your experiences now may be setting the groundwork for future healing-whether in this lifetime or the next one. The more you release in each time, the more you grow and the more your soul will evolve.
Although it is not always possible to work through all of our issues in a single lifetime, it is important that we confront what we are called to face in this life and do the work we need to do. It is also important to remember that the most effective way to let your soul grow is to be an active participant in life. Be present in each moment and your soul will do this work for you.