Aug 28, 2011 20:25
August 28, 2011
True Validation
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
You may feel extra sensitive when faced with the reactions of people around you today. If you feel hurt by criticism or are struggling to get attention from someone and feel invisible, your feelings could indicate a desire for approval or validation from others. If you can remember that validation is an inside job, you can stop focusing on everyone else. If you feel unsure of your abilities today, you may want to explore the underlying reasons and question any preconceived beliefs you might have. With this awareness, you can learn to give yourself the acceptance you are seeking from others. Your confidence will grow and so will your courage to be yourself regardless of what others may say.
When we learn to accept and validate ourselves, we develop self-confidence and inner strength. When we seek approval from someone else, it’s because we haven’t fully accepted a certain aspect of ourselves or a choice we’ve made. We doubt our abilities, judgment, or worthiness, so we look to others to validate us. Approval from others can feel great, but it is also fleeting and uncertain. The only validation that really matters is ours. Embrace yourself and approve of your choices today, and your sensitivity will vanish and be replaced by confidence and strength.
daily om