Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jul 25, 2011 22:59

July 25, 2011
Your Soul's Evolution
Michael Bernard Beckwith

Founder of California's Agape International Spiritual Center, Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith teaches a form of nondenominational spirituality called the "new thought ancient wisdom" tradition, dedicated to stepping up humanity's evolutionary consciousness. Recorded in front of a live audience at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, Your Soul's Evolution is a three-CD set of lectures and guided meditations from Beckwith meant to guide the listener in a myriad of ways to "consciously participate in the unfolding of our own destiny" and "wake up to the real."

Exposing the fundamental flaws at the core of human thought and emotion, Beckwith notes that "most people don't experience reality; they experience their thought about reality." Beckwith urges us to see the difference between sympathy, empathy, and true compassion, as only the last is "a very high state of love that understands that individuals are locked in thought forms of lack," and the other two merely take on the burden. "You can't alleviate suffering if you're caught in the illusion of separation," he says. When we transcend that illusion, our thoughts and actions become selflessly attuned toward the betterment of all of us, of life, of experience as a whole.

A funny, intelligent, insightful speaker, Beckwith is at times full of fire and power like a preacher, at other times hushed and intimate as a meditation instructor, but always grounded, grateful, and humble. His is the insight of a visionary soul healer who's moved far beyond any negativity, specific religious rules, or dogma. And he has kept a great sense of humor about himself, noting the tendency of newly spiritual people to lose their sense of humor: "Serious and reverential are not the same thing!" The audience cracks up when he advises, "If you can't find something about yourself to laugh at, ask some of your closest friends." For in laughing at ourselves we create an opening to step outside linear time and space. Listening to some of the tracks on this set can feel like your whole soul is doing just that, as bad habits fall away, indicating that you are finally ready to let Beckwith help boost Your Soul's Evolution to the next plateau.

July 25, 2011
Growth Through Expression
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

You may feel amorous and affectionate with your loved ones today. You may feel a desire to reach out and connect more deeply with friends and family members. A good way to strengthen your ties is to devote positive attention to your relationships. You may wish to spend some quality time with loved ones by gathering them at your home for a meal. You also may want to make plans to connect on an individual basis. Perhaps you would like to express your feelings of affection in more obvious ways today by purchasing small tokens of appreciation for friends and coworkers, writing a heartfelt letter of affection to a loved one, or verbalizing your feelings while in an intimate setting.

Expressing our emotions to loved ones allows us to initiate clearer communication and develop stronger relationships. While our loved ones likely appreciate our expressions of love and affection, more often it is our willingness to open our hearts and be vulnerable that inspires the growth of our relationships. As we share our feelings, our loved ones respond by opening their hearts and sharing themselves more deeply. This encourages a more meaningful exchange that can improve our level of communication and foster a deeper sense of intimacy, which gives our relationships the depth and richness they need to grow. As you open your heart and share your affection with your loved ones today, you will be devoting powerful energy to the growth of your relationships.

July 25, 2011
Objects Of Power

Having a talisman imbued with your intention is yet another tool you can use to assist you in your journey.

For millennia, mankind has found peace and solace in objects of significance. When cleansed and consecrated through ritual, such objects - be they gems, amulets, herbs, or written words - become talismans. A talisman is any item imbued with a specific power by its bearer to serve a specific intention. Ancient Egyptians used massive stone tablets as healing talismans while the Greeks and Romans used lead talismans to communicate with the spirit realm. Traditionally, a talisman acts to anchor energy in the physical plane. That energy may be protective in nature or may be intended to draw abundance, wealth, or a wide variety of blessings to its user. Today, a talisman may be made of wood, metal, paper, stone, or natural elements such as plants. Often, talismans are small enough to be easily worn or carried, and they may be marked with words or symbols that the talisman’s owner deems meaningful.

Creating and owning a talisman can reassure you and also serve to aide you in attracting what you want in life. You may use your talisman to help you attain health, security, or good luck. Or you may simply want to carry an object with you that will remind you of your search for soulful tranquility. In order to create a talisman, you must first determine its physical properties. This can be as innocuous as a strip of paper bearing the word “Love” and carried in a wooden box or cloth sack. You may prefer a more visible talisman, such as a metal amulet or a gemstone worn as jewelry. Before your object becomes a talisman, however, it must be charged. This can be done by cleansing the object - with water or with incense - and holding a ritual of your own making. Or, you can leave the object in moonlight or sunlight or bury it in the earth for a time. To preserve its effectiveness, talismans should be reconsecrated regularly.

Almost any object can be transformed into a talisman of protection, good fortune, health, love, or serenity. It may be strung on a cord and hung around the neck, worn on a belt, or carried in a purse or pocket. But the physical properties of the talisman are not as important as the intention of its bearer. If you are grounded in your desires, your talisman will give you a focal point that you can concentrate on to affirm your intention and help you achieve your goals.

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