Quick Update...

Jul 25, 2011 21:11

Have been mostly sleeping or staring blankly at the tv this past week. I hate feeling so damned useless and helpless. The pain comes in waves. I'm out of all of the meds the ER doc prescribed, but am going to see if using regular OTC ibuprofen and tylenol will help with the pain. If not, I'll be getting my not-so-happy ass back to the ER for more of the good shit. Still haven't passed either stone, but from what I'm told, if I haven't passed them by the 2 week period [which is a week from today], I'm going back to the ER anyway so that they can get taken out, however that needs to be done. Had about a 3 hour period yesterday afternoon where I was feeling completely normal again :: no pain, no tenderness, no exhaustion. And then it kicked in again. *sigh*

Appetite comes and goes. I'm mostly existing on homemade chicken soup and cheese sandwiches [grilled or otherwise]. That is, when I'm hungry, that's what I'm existing on. I had half a can of coke earlier today after 2 days without any caffeine/soda whatsoever. It was a bit headache-inducing and stomach-upsetting. *sigh* But it IS coke, so that says a lot right there...

Oh, and this is REALLY important :: I HATE THE TASTE OF WATER!!!


In other news, I just deleted 308 links for fun, time-wasting poo. I am just not going to get them done, so why have them staring at me, making me feel even more useless than I already do atm? I have made an executive decision to just lay off the fun, time-wasting poo link collection for the time being. Hopefully, I'll start up again in August. Sorry to anyone who enjoys those posts, but I just needed to let it go for now.

I have been rereading my First People books by W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neill Gear again, in publication order this time. The first time around, I read them as I found/purchased them. This time, I have pretty much all of them, so can reread in the proper order. Last night, I just started the third book, which I remember very little of atm, but already I am finding interesting parallels between the Hero Twins of the original novel winding their way through these books. It'll be very interesting to see if I can easily find those same threads and parallels in the later books. And yes, the books have been a great help while lying in bed so much this past week.

On the writing front... Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!! You're kidding, right? The last thing I wrote was for IDoF 2011 and posted a week ago. The Beta run of Camp NaNo is a joke. I'm at 3500 words, approximately, and I'll be lucky to double that by the end of the month. My creativity and concentration are for SHIT right now. But I'm doing Camp NaNo again in August. In fact, there's going to be an announcement in the next day or two for a special joint effort project for Camp NaNo between ralst and myself. Well, between our sites. Whatever... We'd planned on doing it sooner, but my kidney stones really put a kibosh on a lot of things I'd planned to do.

And now, I think it's time to go curl up on the couch and zone in front of the tv for a while again before I head up to bed. My sleep schedule is so fucked right now, it's not even funny... I don't think I've slept this much since I was a baby...

personal updates, health updates, writing, fun time-wasting stuff, books

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