Ahhh... Such a lovely, cool day!

Aug 18, 2010 22:44

  • Getting caught up on laundry
  • Getting the dishes almost caught up in the kitchen

  • shatterpath's yummy pineapple upside down cake and lasagna
  • Finally getting to start reading People of the Thunder
  • Cool weather!
Period is still kind of kicking my ass, and I'm quite certain that this time around won't be my typical 5 days, as I'm on day 4 and my body's apparently not showing any signs of slowing down. This is what I get for spending the week before my period starts in a haunted house, then the day before in the river, getting all sorts of nature juju. *sighs* But that's okay, really. My body used to be all horridly crampy and heavy flow like this all the damned time, so I can't really begrudge my body doing this occasionally now, right?

Anyway, I have backdated and posted up my trip reports each day. For ease of finding them, here's the list...
  • Corvallis Trip :: Day 1 :: DW // LJ
  • Corvallis Trip :: Day 2 :: DW // LJ
  • Corvallis Trip :: Day 3 :: DW // LJ
  • Corvallis Trip :: Day 4 :: DW // LJ
  • Corvallis Trip :: Day 5 :: DW // LJ
  • Corvallis Trip :: Day 6 :: DW // LJ
The laundry is nearly completed. Only need to dry the last load of towels that are in the washer, then put everything away. And after I clean out the dishwasher, I think there's one more load of dishes to finish up before that'd caught up, too. And hopefully, when making the chicken and the avgolemono tomorrow, I can get the counters cleaned up a bit more, too.

I need to make my decision re: my choices for
femme_fic ASAP. As of last night, I had 12 options, not including my own 5 prompts. I'll have to see if any of them have been claimed yet, so my decision can be made for me I can make a decision and commit to it.

There was something else I wanted to mention tonight, but I'm totally blanking on it. If I remember it, I'll post about it tomorrow...

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

things that make me happy, trips, new house, personal updates

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