So January is officially over tonight... And it's about damned time! This has been a not so good month for me on the migraine front. I think I've got that situation primarily squared away now. Still need to employ some meditation type exercises, but the meds thing is back on track and I'm already starting to notice a difference.
Friday was the full moon, in fact it was the perogee full moon for the year. We saw it Friday morning on the way into work, behind some clouds. Damn, but it was pretty! Wish I'd been able to look at it Friday night, but it was pretty cloudy... And seriously, WTF is going on with our freakishly warm weather? It's literally like t-shirt and [at most] light sweatshirt weather. It's the end of freaking January, FFS! We have plants already budding and blossoming.
shatterpath's started work on the flower beds out front. The NE corner bed looks really good so far. If this weather keeps up, she'll have the others done in no time! And we've literally been missing all the rain that's been forecast for us. It's been a strange fucking month, Tator!
In related weather-based news, sort of... We finally got new fly strips put up in the office, one to replace the old one and one by my desk, plus one in the downstairs bathroom. While the flies have been better since
shatterpath and I got the ferrets to the rescue group and did a good clean up of the kitchen, they're still pretty nasty, especially in the basement. We still have to clean the piggehs' cage yet, either tomorrow or Tuesday, but that shouldn't be affecting it quite this badly. We've gotten better about the cat boxes again, which is helping in my room, where there's also a strip now.
Friday night and last night, I let the cats into my room when I went to bed. I used to lock them out on the weekends, but let them in during the week. I've changed it this last week. Turns out I sleep better for work with them out of the room. They don't really like it, especially Gabe, but if it means I'm more able to go to work, they'll learn to live with it. Only last night, Gabe was restless and in a mood... and kept almost stepping on my damned nipple trying to take over the damned bed! I slept kinda screwy because of it. *shrugs* They'll be locked out tonight, so...
Got three stories posted up today, two of which were finished today. Need to remember to do a post to
dogged_by_muses with the links, too. I even wrote a relatively gen piece about Princess Leia! That was both a trip and difficult as hell! Probably won't be doing that again... I'm feeling okay about my writing this month. I've written about 8k words of fiction this month [not all of it posted, either], which is good. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I wrote that much, but I kinda wish I'd written more. But it's only the first month of the year, so I can make some changes on that...
My current WiP/to do list for writing is thus
- licenseartistic January prompts
- 3 drabbles from my drabble meme. There are still 7 drabbles available. Just sign up on DW or LJ.
- The drabble prompt for shaych_03 because she got one of the 4 "in jokes" in my fake tv show meme write up. If you want to guess one of the in jokes and get a drabble from me, check it out on DW or LJ.
- au_bigbang Private Practice Addison/OFC piece
I've done some research and looking over the files from my NaNo '08 piece, which I'm redoing for this challenge, but I haven't actually written a single word yet...
au_bigbang .. This is proving to be a little more problematic, considering I'm limited to 2 fandoms and no real letter from my recipient re: these fandoms, but I'll figure something out...
- I haven't even started working on my goal for
12in2010 yet. 12 stories with OCs as the main characters, preferably with either POC, kink, rating over PG13, and/or 1500+ words in length. I know I can do it, and it's only the end of January, but still...
I"m sure there are other things I'm behind on, but this is enough of a list to work with for February... And of course, I'm being a major cheerleader for
shatterpath, who has nearly 23k words written on her CSI:NY / World of Darkness crossover piece. This is the latest incarnation of the story [there were two prior that I know of, with Dana Scully and Catherine Willows], but I also think this one with Stella is the best one of the three. And I stand corrected by
shatterpath herself. Apparently there were three prior incarnations of this story :: Dana Scully, one of [Bad username or site: cappsize @"]'s OCs, and Catherine Willows. I really don't remember that middle incarnation at all... Hunh... If there's ANYONE who's interested in helping
shatterpath with making sure this story makes sense, please leave a comment or PM her directly. You don't have to know anything about World of Darkness, and in fact, it might be better if you don't, because you can let her know what works and what doesn't... But of course, basic working knowledge of the RPG is also helpful...
shatterpath &
amyrayh went on one of their weekly "grinder" shopping trips today.
amyrayh ended up saving more than she actually spent on the groceries and got a metric fuckton of meat and fruit for the grinder.
shatterpath spent the better part of three hours cutting, peeling, and juicing grapefruit, apples, carrots, pineapple, watermelon, and grapes. She ended up with 7 23oz containers of juice, plus one of those containers of the "leftovers" for the piggehs to eat, all of which are in the fridge in the garage. She hasn't touched the meat yet. That'll be in the next day or two... And actually, the carrots didn't work out as well as she'd hoped, so they're in three of those containes in the main fridge upstairs. We're gonna do something else with them, I guess. Maybe we'll even make some sort of "carrot butter" out of them. Or carrot cake/bread. We'll figure it out...
Tuesday is Imbolc. I need to start planning what I'm gonna be doing for it, too. Need to make some decisions, to say the least... And speaking of Imbolc, I almost forgot! I got my juju/creativity cactus on Friday after work. I'd gotten this idea from
lupabitch about having a juju-based stone that gets a drop of menstrual blood each month for a physical connection to the self. I've been toying with that idea for a while now anyway, but never did anything. And then I changed my mind and decided to go with a juju-based plant instead. But i had to have a plant that the damned cats wouldn't get into or eat. A cactus! So we hit Lowe's on Friday after work and I found a lovely little pot with a quartet of succulents in it, all with spines. They're sitting on my desk, next to my UV lamp, which is on daily for them. I've already been pricked by the tallest of the four cacti, but it didn't break the skin. All of the rocks are fucking GLUED into it, which is kind of stupid IMNSHO, and the pot itself has a bit of a crack.
shatterpath and I are gonna see about replanting them in another pot, tho'
miashael did mention that if we do, the succulents could go "dormant" for about 4 months to recover from the transplant. Anyway, I'll take pics this week and post them if anyone's interested in seeing my quartet. I figure they're Maiden, Mother, Warrior, Crone. I'd toyed with the idea of Maiden, Mother, Crone, Death Hag, but I like the Warrior aspect better somehow.
And speaking of juju and creativity,
shatterpath has been drawing like crazy the last few days. She's gotten 2 pictures done of 2 of her werewolf characters. And they're damned nice drawings, too! She's been trawling DeviantArt for ideas and free line drawings to work with. In her searchings, she found a couple of pics of Demona from Gargoyles. This
first one is very similar to a specific shot of Demona that I've wanted as a tattoo ever since the series first aired. This second one, entitedl Demona Lisa, had me cracking up and falling in love at the same time. It's a beautiful drawing and the "pun" is fantastic!
Saturday, I got a box in the mail from
ct, filled with all sorts of yarns and 4 really cute little CSI-type charms [a poison bottle, a caution: poison sign, an evidence tag, and a cleaver]. The charmes amused the hell outta me! And I've got plans for some of the yarns, and I haven't even pulled everything out of the box yet! *giggles* I LOVE getting presents! Which means, I should probably get started on my next round of
52_crafts, hunh? I did it last year. In fact, by the beginning of December, I'd had like 57 craft things completed, and I didn't count all of the last minute Yule & Giftmas things I'd completed either...