Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jul 21, 2009 18:34

July 21, 2009
Presence: Music for the Oneness Blessing

One is a trio of spiritually minded musicians: keyboardist-composer Yantra De Vilder, vocalist Asakti Evans, and Hindustani classical-flutist Armando Ornano. Together they make music that weaves in and around mantras designed, as their name may indicate, and as the liner notes say, "to soothe the senses" and "wake us up to our own divinity."

Though there are 10 tracks listed, the music really flows around two basic "oneness" mantras. The first opens with slow spine-tingling reverberations of the tamboura and long, soothing drones that gradually fan out to include moody piano, rattles, and Evans' beautiful voice holding long dirgelike notes in the mist of "Becoming." The long beautiful drones gradually build in force to include an almost Latin mass operatic quality to the mantra "Transcending." If you're meditating with this album, the fractal, intraconnected spectacle should be tremendous by then.

The second half of the album takes a decidedly ambient turn, with ocean spray and long drones that seem to travel counter to the rotation of the earth, creating a space of perfect stillness. By the final track a beautiful peace has been achieved between the abstract and the manifest, the melodic and the ambient, the active and the passive. The instrumentation and ambience builds and then is quiet, and gradually, beautifully, Evans' voice comes through like an absolving wave of divine light.

July 21, 2009
Give In Appreciation
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Your immediate feelings of security with your current life situation today could make you feel fortunate, which may be because you have placed your trust in the universe and feel confident that you will be taken care of. Perhaps this would be a good time to express your gratitude to the universe for everything that you have in this life by setting the intention to extend your good fortune to others whom you know are in need. You might consider volunteering at a local organization or donating some of your time or resources to those who have less than you. Sharing what you have been given can be a wonderful way to demonstrate the depth of your appreciation and also could make the lives of those around you more comfortable.

Giving to others allows us to show our gratitude to the universe. When we have been blessed with more than we need, we might sometimes feel that by saving what we have, we will be more secure. True certainty, however, comes from using our resources to help create a world in which everyone has what they need to live-a place where there is no fear caused by a lack of food, shelter, and love. We will find that the more we give to others, the more we will receive because we are working toward ensuring not only our own security but creating a thriving community for everyone. By sharing with others today, your actions will reflect and honor the abundance the universe has given you.

July 21, 2009
Stoking the Fire Within
Awakening the Inner Warrior

There are certain personality archetypes that we all carry within us, such as the inner child, the lover, and the mother. Some of these archetypes present themselves strongly, while others lay fallow. For example, there is an inner warrior in each one of us, but in some of us this warrior is underdeveloped to the point that we are unable to stand up for ourselves, even when necessary. There can be many reasons for this. We may have grown up with a parent whose warrior aspect was overdeveloped, and we responded by repressing ours completely. On the other hand, we may have grown up with parents in whom this aspect was dormant, so we never learned to awaken it in ourselves.

A warrior is someone with the strength to stand up for what he or she believes; someone who perseveres in the face of challenges and obstacles; someone who speaks and acts in the service of an ideal; someone who protects those who are too weak to fight for themselves. Regardless of the reasons for an underdeveloped inner warrior, you may begin to notice the lack of its fiery, protective presence and wish to awaken it. You may need to stand up for yourself in a certain relationship or situation, or you may have a vision you want to realize, and you know you will need the courage, energy, and strength of a warrior to succeed. Similarly, if you find that you often feel scared, anxious, or powerless, rousing this sleeping ally may be just the antidote you need.

One excellent way to cultivate the presence of your inner warrior is to choose a role model who embodies the qualities of bravery, strength, and vitality. This person could be a character in a myth, movie, or book, or a historical or living person you admire. Simply close your eyes each day and contemplate the quality of energy that attracts you to this person, knowing that the same potential lives within you. Confirm for yourself that you are capable of handling this energy responsibly, and stoke the fire of your own inner courage.

daily om

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